Daily Devotions


Day 43

"They set their heart on their iniquity"

Text: Hosea 4:8


The glory that God gave to King Solomon drew many admirers. Kings from far and wide sought alliances with Israel. The wealth of the nation was one that everyone envied. The golden years of Israel was one free from wars. Peace reigned in a region that had known only frequent wars.


When iniquity went unchecked, it began its corrupting influence. The glory that God gave was severely tarnished.

“They eat up the sin of My people;
They set their heart on their iniquity.”
Hosea 4:8

1. Dealing with sin

a) The priests were supposed to help people deal with their sin problems.
b) Sins were to be atoned for.
c) In those days, sins were atoned through sin-offerings.
d) These offerings were not cheap so that people would think hard before they indulged in sin.

2. The wicked priests

a) They did not help the people with their sin problems.
b) They just told the people their sins would be forgiven if they brought more sin offerings.
c) They took advantage of the atonement offering system that God had given.
d) Thus, they may be said to “eat up the sin of My people”.
e) The priests were benefitting from the sins of the people.

3. “They set their heart on their iniquity”

a) The word “iniquity” is essentially the word “evil”.
b) The priests had set their heart on this evil quest.
i) To benefit from the sin offerings people brought.
ii) To merely conduct rituals for the forgiveness of sins.


There were many types of sin offerings that the people were supposed to offer (Leviticus 1-7).

1. The point of these laws

a) To help people recognize the deadly nature of sin.
b) To learn how to avoid or overcome sins.

2. The abuse of the Law

The Priests were clearly abusing their positions as the appointed servants of God. Sin took away Israel’s glory.