Daily Devotions


Day 56

"He has withdrawn Himself from them"

Text: Hosea 5:6


Israel sought to retain their worship of God and simultaneously offer worship to idols. The Lord God refused to accept such worship.

“With their flocks and herds
They shall go to seek the LORD,
But they will not find Him;
He has withdrawn Himself from them.”
Hosea 5:6

1. “With their flocks and herds they shall go to seek the LORD”

a) Worship experiences with idols:
i) These demanded flocks and herds.
ii) They teach that the deities would be most pleased if they were offered sheep and oxen.
iii) Israel brought this understanding to their worship of God.
b) The seeking of God
i) From the external stand point, the offerings given may have appeared to be impressive.
ii) But Israel had forgotten that God values other things and not physical offerings.
iii) Their attempt to seek God would be in vain.

2. “But they will not find Him”

a) Where would these worshippers find God?
b) Local shrines were found easily:
i) In the mountains.
ii) In the forest; under every green tree.
c) God can only be found if He reveals and manifests Himself.

3. “He has withdrawn Himself from them”

a) This was done deliberately.
i) To teach Israel needed lessons.
ii) To warn Israel of the impending judgment to come.
iii) To withhold His Presence from among people who offered hypocritical and false worship.
b) This was indicative of a number of things:
i) God’s disapproval of Israel and its sinful ways.
ii) God’s rejection of false worship.
iii) God’s refusal to endorse the wrong worship practices.

The Psalmist wrote a very significant though short discourse on worship in Psalm 50.