Daily Devotions


Day 85

"Yet they devise evil against Me"

Text: Hosea 7:15


The work of chastening includes two aspects that can prove helpful to the believer. But where sin is allowed to prevail, the believer does not benefit at all.

“Though I disciplined and strengthened their arms,
Yet they devise evil against Me.”
Hosea 7:15

1. “Though I disciplined”

a) The work of chastening always involves “discipline”.
b) Discipline may take a number of forms:
i) Rebuke
ii) Restrictions imposed
iii) Reality of suffering for a season

2. “And strengthened their arms”

a) This complements the work of discipline.
b) Strengthening may take a number of forms too:
i) Reformation
ii) Restoration of relationship with God
iii) Reality of blessing experienced

3. “Yet they devise evil against Me”

a) The appropriate responses should include the following:
i) Gratitude
ii) Growth of faith
iii) Great desire to do better
b) But Israel did not do better but devised evil against Me.
i) Hypocritical response to God.
ii) External worship given.
iii) But their hearts were far from God.
iv) Israel continued to ignore His word given by the prophets.
v) They hid idols in their hearts.
vi) They sought out idols secretly.

The work of chastening was in vain and Israel faced a sad and bitter end!