Daily Devotions
"A Rod from the stem of Jesse"
Text: Isaiah 11:1
The descendants of David had largely failed to live up to their kingly responsibilities. Some of them had become idolatrous and wicked, like king Ahaz. The future lay in the plan of God to provide a Messianic Ruler.
“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”
Isaiah 11:1-2
1. “The stem of Jesse”
a) David was from stem of Jesse.
b) The “rod” was a reference to two major things:
i) His kingly scepter.
ii) The rod of a shepherd looking after his flock.
iii) God had always intended the kings of Israel to shepherd His flock.
iv) Sadly, many were too taken up with the power and wealth
that came with being king.
c) The Branch
i) This is a reference to the fact that the Messiah would come
from the line of David.
ii) He would come from the stem of Jesse.
iii) He would come in deep humility as a “Branch”.
iv) This is a reference to the fact that the Messiah would come in the flesh.
2. This Messianic King would succeed where others had failed.
a) Many were the reasons why the earthly kings had failed.
b) The Messiah would not fail.
c) He would have the fulness of the Holy Spirit poured out on Him.
d) The Seven-fold Spirit of God would be outpoured on Him:
i) The Spirit of the LORD.
ii) The Spirit of wisdom.
iii) The Spirit of understanding.
iv) The Spirit of counsel.
v) The Spirit of might.
vi) The Spirit of knowledge.
vii) The Spirit of the fear of the LORD.
e) No one has ever had this fulness of the Spirit.
i) Nobody had ever sought this.
ii) Everyone had sought to fulfil what his human spirit desired.