Daily Devotions
"The wells of salvation"
Text: Isaiah 12:3
Isaiah warned of the invasion planned by the Assyrians. But all fears may be allayed by believing in the salvation that God would give to His people. The most wonderful message of hope lay in the Messiah the LORD would send. He would bring great salvation to His people.
“And in that day you will say:
‘O LORD, I will praise You;
Though You were angry with me,
Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me.
Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
‘For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.”
Therefore with joy you will draw water
From the wells of salvation.”
Isaiah 12:1-3
1. Praise to be given to God.
a) Fear may be dispelled.
b) Faith in God should be instilled.
c) Praise is the appropriate response to God.
2. The anger of God.
a) God’s anger is always righteous.
b) But because of the Messiah’s salvation, God’s anger is turned away.
c) The Messiah seeks to bring comfort to His people.
d) Comfort from God must produce praise in the heart.
3. Isaiah’s personal example of Praise.
a) He rejoices in God’s salvation.
b) He rejoices in his knowledge of God and His salvation.
c) His assurance:
i) In the LORD (YAH).
ii) His song to God would highlight His strength and salvation.
4. Great personal joy.
a) This is found in the LORD and the salvation He gives.
b) Salvation is described as “wells”.
i) Wells provide life-giving water.
ii) Wells are found in many locations and bring wonderful refreshment
of body and soul.
iii) All wayfarers would find great delight and joy in the wells of salvation.