Daily Devotions
"The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw"
Text: Isaiah 2:1
Prophecy is complex, to say the least. The language of prophecy is always hard to fully comprehend. The time aspect is another area that is profoundly challenging to understand. Nevertheless, the very nature of prophecy must draw us to pray and seek enlightenment from the LORD!
“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That the mountain of the LORD’s house
Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And all nations shall flow to it.”
Isaiah 2:1-2
1. The word of God.
a) In normal language, we speak of “hearing” God’s word.
b) In prophetic language, to speak of “seeing” God’s word is not abnormal.
c) The word of God “seen”.
i) This could be a reference to a vision that God gives.
ii) It could also be a reference to Isaiah’s comprehension of the word
revealed to him.
2. Concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
a) This particular prophecy concerns Judah, the Southern kingdom.
b) Jerusalem was also specifically mentioned.
3. Recall Isaiah 1.
a) There was a severe word of warning given to Judah and Jerusalem.
b) Though they may appear to be prosperous, destruction would come
if the people continued in the way of sinful living.
c) The solemn prophetic words were spoken with great urgency.
4. A glorious prophetic forecast proclaimed.
a) “The latter days”
i) This phrase was written without a specific time frame.
ii) It speaks of the future plans of the LORD.
b) The future plan concerning the LORD’s house.
i) This is a special reference to the future Temple (not the one existing).
ii) It is wondrously described as “The mountain of the LORD’S house”.
iii) This signifies prominence and glory.
iv) The LORD Himself will establish His house “in the latter days”.
v) God would especially exalt it.
vi) And all nations would flock to the House of the LORD.