Daily Devotions
"Neither shall they learn war anymore"
Text: Isaiah 2:4
This word is an extension of the “in the latter days” prophecy. The LORD will establish His house, here called “the house of the God of Jacob”.
“Many people shall come and say,
‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.’
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations,
And rebuke many people;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore.”
Isaiah 2:3-4
1. “The house of the God of Jacob”
a) Jacob’s name was mentioned for good reason.
b) This was the old name before the new name of Israel was given
(Genesis 32:28; 35:10).
c) The name Jacob symbolised:
i) Wilfulness
ii) Sinfulness
iii) Wickedness
d) God’s house would receive all repentant sinners.
2. What God would do in His house established on a lofty mountain.
a) The name of the house of the LORD is called “Zion” (Jerusalem).
b) His law, the word of the LORD would proceed from there.
c) God will teach the faithful His ways.
d) Having been taught, they would walk in His paths.
3. The reign of the LORD
a) He will bring about true justice.
b) He will judge between nations that have disputes.
4. What the nations under God’s reign will not do.
a) They will change their swords for plowshares.
i) Swords and spears are a symbol of war.
ii) Plowshares and pruning hooks are a symbol of peace-time activities (farming).
b) Nations would not choose the way of war.
c) They would also not learn the ways of war!
d) This is a profound prophecy that must bring hope and joy to the heart.