Daily Devotions


Day 201

"Woe to Ariel"

Text: Isaiah 29:1


Judah was known by another name, “Ariel”. The name means, “A lion of God.” Just as the lion was meant to be the king of animals, Judah was also meant to rule. Unfortunately, Judah did not live up to its calling.

“Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt!
Add year to year;
Let feasts come around.
Yet I will distress Ariel;
There shall be heaviness and sorrow,
And it shall be to Me as Ariel.”
Isaiah 29:1-2

1. A pronouncement of Woe.

a) “Woe” was pronounced against Judah.

i) It is a word of warning.

ii) A word of foreboding of a grim future.

b) Judah was called the city where David dwelt.

i) David was born in Bethlehem.

ii) He was from the tribe of Judah.

iii) He grew up and became king of Judah and then of Israel.

iv) But the latter kings were a far cry from King David.

2. The many feasts of Judah.

a) Israel had already chosen to become idolatrous.

b) Judah remained faithful to God for a while.

c) Many religious feasts were held to offer worship to God.

d) But Judah had become corrupt and wicked along the way.

e) The religious feasts had not caused the people to draw nearer to God.

3. Distress forewarned.

a) Distress would be sent to Ariel (Judah).

i) Heaviness and sorrow.

ii) These would be for Judah to experience.

b) Hope was expressed.

i) That Judah would learn from its many mistakes.

ii) That it would return to the Lord.

c) Then Judah can become Ariel again.

i) A lion of God.

ii) A lion full of strength and majesty.

iii) God would cause this blessing to come to Judah as in the days of David.