Daily Devotions


Day 288

"Comfort My people"

Text: Isaiah 40:1


The Book of Isaiah may be “divided” into two major portions. The first major portion was captured in 39 chapters (Isaiah 1-39). The focus was more historical. King Ahaz was named as a king who did not believe in the LORD. Ahaz was not a righteous king. The last king mentioned was Hezekiah whom the LORD miraculously healed.

The second portion of Isaiah (Isaiah 40-44) was very much more Messianic. The focus was on the Messiah whom the LORD would send to redeem and lead His people. The largest number of references to the Messiah is to be found in the latter portion of Isaiah. He would be the most illustrious King that Israel would ever have.

“‘Comfort, yes, comfort My people!’
Says your God.
‘Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her,
That her warfare is ended,
That her iniquity is pardoned;
For she has received from the LORD’s hand
Double for all her sins.'”
Isaiah 40:1-2

1. Messages of Rebuke and Judgment.

a) Isaiah had to proclaim to Israel its many sins (Isaiah 1-39).

b) Many were the solemn and dreaded works of rebuke issued by the LORD.

2. A glorious Message of comfort.

a) The second portion of Isaiah began with a wonderful word of “comfort”.

b) The LORD affirmed that He was going to bring comfort to His people.

3. The Warning of Captivity by the Babylonians.

a) Isaiah 39 ended with a solemn word that Jerusalem would be
invaded by the Babylonians.

b) It was left to other prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel
to upbraid the nation of Judah for its sinfulness.

c) Judah would go into captivity for 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11).

4. The promise of Comfort.

a) Comfort would be given to Jerusalem.

b) Her warfare would come to an end.

c) Her iniquity is pardoned.

d) Her sins had been forgiven.

5. “Double for all her sins”

a) This is an ancient expression.

b) It means that all the sins have been fully and completely covered.

c) It also hints at the LORD’s blessings that would be bestowed on Israel.