Daily Devotions


Day 424

"All we like sheep have gone astray"

Text: Isaiah 53:6


The imagery of “sheep” is a very gracious one. Man is referred to sheep rather than to vicious predators.

“All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:6

1. Other imageries could have been used.

a) Vipers Matthew 3:7

b) Wolves Matthew 10:16

c) But they were not chosen.

2. Sheep

a) They may not be the most intelligent.

b) But they are not noted to be cunning or vicious.

c) They are known to wander away from the shepherd or the flock.

3. Mankind was described.

a) As sheep that have gone astray.

b) The sheep are in danger, though they do not know it.

c) They can be badly mauled and injured.

d) They can even die.

i) Falling into ravines.

ii) Killed by wild predators.

e) Such is the plight of sinful mankind.

4. The LORD has laid the iniquity of our sin upon the Messiah.

a) He would seek and save the lost sheep.

b) He would rescue the sheep from danger.

c) The Messiah would be the Good Shepherd who would lay His life down
for His sheep.

d) All our iniquities have been borne by the Messiah.