Daily Devotions
"My righteous Servant shall justify many"
Text: Isaiah 53:11
The Messiah was introduced as God’s Servant (Isaiah 42:1). He would work very hard to bring Israel back to the fold of God. He would serve with indefatigable fervour to minister to the needs of the multitudes.
“He shall see the labour of His soul, and be satisfied.
By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many,
For He shall bear their iniquities.”
Isaiah 53:11
1. The labour of His soul.
a) This is a beautiful description of how the Messiah served.
b) He laboured with his heart and soul!
c) He met the needs of many:
i) The sick
ii) The helpless
iii) The demonised
iv) The demoralised
d) He laboured to give them:
i) Faith
ii) Hope
iii) Salvation
2. He shall be satisfied.
a) There were people who found faith and salvation.
b) There were those whose lives were wonderfully transformed.
c) He found satisfaction that He had fulfilled God’s calling.
3. By His knowledge.
a) There was corrective knowledge.
b) There was cleansing too.
c) Wonderful changes came to those who followed Him.
4. Justification
a) Those who found faith were justified.
b) They were given imputed righteousness.
c) The sinner now stands justified before God because of the Messiah.
5. He shall bear their iniquities.
a) The Messiah had come to be our sin-bearer.
b) He will bear all our iniquities upon Himself.
c) He would suffer both crucifixion and death.
d) He is the Perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.