Daily Devotions


Day 478

"Recompense to His enemies"

Text: Isaiah 59:18


There were wicked enemies who had risen against the LORD. They had dismissed any fear they had about God. They even denied His existence. They would be in for a great surprise!

“According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay,
Fury to His adversaries,
Recompense to His enemies;
The coastlands He will fully repay.
So shall they fear
The name of the LORD from the west,
And His glory from the rising of the sun;
When the enemy comes in like a flood,
The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.”
Isaiah 59:18-19

1. God will recompense the deeds of the wicked.

a) He will fully repay His enemies (adversaries).

b) The enemies may be in the coastlands but He will recompense them.

c) They will regret their evil deeds.

d) They will be punished for their sins.

2. The fear of the LORD.

a) This may be found through faith and reverence.

b) This may also be discovered through being judged by God.

c) The enemies would learn to fear God when He judged them.

3. The name of the LORD.

a) It is full of glory.

b) All who fear the LORD’s name even enemies from the West.

c) The traditional enemies came from the North.

d) The glory of the LORD would arise as sure as the sun emerges from the East.

4. The attacks of the enemies.

a) They will resist the LORD.

b) They will arise against His name.

c) They would attempt to come as a sudden flood.

d) But the Spirit of the LORD would raise up a banner (a standard) against him.

e) The enemies of the LORD would be vanquished.