Daily Devotions


Day 483

"Because He has glorified you"

Text: Isaiah 60:9


The LORD’s plan to bless Israel went beyond the nation. The reference to “coastlands” was prophetic.

“Who are these who fly like a cloud,
And like doves to their roosts?
Surely the coastlands shall wait for Me;
And the ships of Tarshish will come first,
To bring your sons from afar,
Their silver and their gold with them,
To the name of the LORD your God,
And to the Holy One of Israel,
Because He has glorified you.”
Isaiah 60:8-9

1. Doves flying back to roost.

a) It is natural for doves to fly home to roost.

b) Doves flying as a flock is compared to clouds in the sky.

c) This was a description of people in the coastlands, making a beeline to Israel.

2. The word “coastlands”.

a) It is a reference to countries to the West of Israel.

b) These were foreign nations who were sending support to Israel.

3. The ships of Tarshish.

a) Tarshish was a reference to either Turkey or even Spain.

b) These were bringing with them:

i) Silver and gold.

ii) Also, the children of Israel who had been scattered far and wide.

4. Awaiting a word from the LORD.

a) The LORD was in command of all nations.

b) He would give a word to these nations far away.

c) They would send their wealth:

i) To the LORD.

ii) To honour the name of God.

d) These gifts to the LORD would be channelled to Israel.

i) This was God’s plan to glorify Israel.

ii) He would bless the nation economically too.