Daily Devotions


Day 486

"I will make you an eternal excellence"

Text: Isaiah 60:15


The divine plan God revealed was truly astonishing. The future of Israel would be vastly different from their miserable past that was besmeared by the stain of sin.

“Whereas you have been forsaken and hated,
So that no one went through you,
I will make you an eternal excellence,
A joy of many generations.
You shall drink the milk of the Gentiles,
And milk the breast of kings;
You shall know that I, the LORD, am your Savior
And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Isaiah 60:15-16

1. The plight of Israel remembered.

a) It was a forsaken land.

b) It was a hated nation.

c) Nobody wanted to have anything to do with the wretched nation.

d) Israel without the LORD was doomed.

2. The divine plan revealed.

a) God would give “eternal excellence” to the nation.

b) The blessing God would give would extend to many generations.

c) The nation would experience unparalleled Joy.

3. How Israel would be blessed.

a) The new Israel was compared to a baby needing milk.

b) God would ensure the supply of royal milk.

i) Kings would tend to the nation.

ii) They would tenderly nurture the infant new nation.

4. The LORD would be newly discovered and appreciated as:

a) The Saviour

b) The Redeemer

c) The Mighty One of Jacob

Israel had everything to look forward to in the light of this prophecy!