Daily Devotions


Day 487

"You shall call your walls Salvation"

Text: Isaiah 60:18


The LORD went on to make further promises to His people! These promises are truly breath-taking in its magnificence!

“Instead of bronze I will bring gold,
Instead of iron I will bring silver,
Instead of wood, bronze,
And instead of stones, iron.
I will also make your officers peace,
And your magistrates righteousness.
Violence shall no longer be heard in your land,
Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders;
But you shall call your walls Salvation,
And your gates Praise.”
Isaiah 60:17-18

1. Normal building materials used in everyday life.

a) Wood

b) Iron

c) Bronze

2. Instead of the usual, God’s provision would be:

a) Gold for bronze.

b) Silver for iron.

c) Bronze for wood.

d) Iron for stones.

3. The cost of these materials.

a) Substantially higher.

b) The quality would also be most significant.

4. Officials governing the nation.

a) The officers of the law would bring peace.

i) No oppression.

ii) No violence.

b) The magistrates.

i) They would be righteous.

ii) They would uphold justice faithfully.

5. A change from the past.

a) Violence and destruction were commonplace things.

b) They would be eradicated in the new nation that God would create.

6. The city Walls and Gates.

a) The walls would be symbolically called “Salvation”.

b) The gates would be called “Praise”.

c) All who come to this new country that God would create would marvel at what they will see and experience in the New Jerusalem.