Daily Devotions


Day 499

"The LORD has sworn by His right hand"

Text: Isaiah 62:8


The LORD made a solemn oath to the new Israel He would be creating. This was a truly uplifting word to read and to believe in.

“The LORD has sworn by His right hand
And by the arm of His strength:
‘Surely I will no longer give your grain
As food for your enemies;
And the sons of the foreigner shall not drink your new wine,
For which you have laboured.
But those who have gathered it shall eat it,
And praise the LORD;
Those who have brought it together shall drink it in My holy courts.'”
Isaiah 62:8-9

1. The oath of the LORD.

a) “By His right hand”

b) “By the arm of His strength”

c) Meaning:

i) By His power, God will keep His oath.

ii) This was a solemn oath that Israel can rely on.

2. The content of the oath.

a) In the past:

i) Israel laboured hard for food and wine.

ii) But enemies stole them.

b) In the future:

i) The good wine would not be snatched away by foreigners.

ii) Israel would be able to enjoy the fruit of their labour.

3. A new spirit in transformed Israel.

a) The labourers would have access to the food and wine they produced.

b) There would be a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude for the LORD’s provision and protection.

c) They would be able to go into the court of the LORD and offer Him praise for His blessings.

d) The language employed would suggest that Israel would return to the LORD’s house in grateful worship.