Daily Devotions


Day 501

"This One who is glorious in His apparel"

Text: Isaiah 63:1


Edom was the other name of Esau. Bozrah was the ancient capital of Edom and it was singled out for particular mention here in this text.

“Who is this who comes from Edom,
With dyed garments from Bozrah,
This One who is glorious in His apparel,
Traveling in the greatness of His strength?—
‘I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.'”
Isaiah 63:1

1. A brief history of Esau’s family is noted in Genesis 36.

a) Esau was called Edom (Genesis 36:1).

b) Esau’s sons became kings before Israel had rulers (Genesis 36:31).

c) King Jobab ruled from Bozrah as the capital (Genesis 36:33).

d) The Edomites unfortunately became sworn enemies of Israel.

2. A Prophecy concerning Edom.

a) This was a significant prophecy concerning the kingdom of Edom.

b) The LORD Himself was featured in this dismaying word against Edom.

3. Bozrah

a) It was the ancient capital of Edom in the reign of Jobab.

b) The word “Bozrah” means “sheepfold”.

i) Esau was a shepherd like Jacob.

ii) Both Esau and Jacob possessed vast flocks (Genesis 36:6-7).

c) The word Bozrah took on a new meaning later.

i) It became famous for its winery.

ii) Wine was made from stomping on grapes.

iii) White garments would become stained with spots of red.

4. The LORD God.

a) He is portrayed as One wearing white, to symbolize purity.

b) He is described magnificently.

i) He is glorious in His apparel.

ii) He had “dyed garments from Bozrah”.

iii) He travelled in the greatness of His strength.

iv) He is the LORD who “speaks in righteousness”.

v) He is also “mighty to save” (all who would turn to Him).