Daily Devotions


Day 517

"And blasphemed Me on the hills"

Text: Isaiah 65:7


The LORD heard the intercessory prayers of Isaiah. He had this to say to Isaiah as He recalled the idolatrous ways of Israel.

“‘Behold, it is written before Me:
I will not keep silence, but will repay—
Even repay into their bosom—
Your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers together,’
Says the LORD,
‘Who have burned incense on the mountains
And blasphemed Me on the hills;
Therefore I will measure their former work into their bosom.'”
Isaiah 65:6-7

1. “It is written before Me”

a) Israel’s many sins had been recorded.

b) The nation’s sins:

i) Numerous

ii) Vile

iii) Deliberate

2. God’s response to an unrepentant nation.

a) He will not keep silent.

b) He will repay.

c) Into their bosom:

i) The chastisement will be deep.

ii) It will be incisive.

iii) It will be painful.

3. “The iniquities”

a) Committed by their fathers.

b) Committed by the present generation.

c) Israel had 19 kings and everyone was idolatrous.

d) This is a reference to the Divided Kingdom.

4. Two sins highlighted:

a) Idolatrous practice of burning incense to idols on mountains.

b) Blasphemy against God.

c) These were repeated sins that were committed with deliberate wilfulness.

d) God would mete out to them the appropriate judgment.