Daily Devotions


Day 527

"Let the LORD be glorified"

Text: Isaiah 66:5


The Word of God was meant to be of central importance to Israel. God had spoken to His people through the written Word. He had also sent many prophets with His Word. Sadly, Israel had failed to realise the significance of God’s word.

“Hear the word of the LORD,
You who tremble at His word:
‘Your brethren who hated you,
Who cast you out for My name’s sake, said,
‘Let the LORD be glorified,
That we may see your joy.’
But they shall be ashamed.’
The sound of noise from the city!
A voice from the temple!
The voice of the LORD,
Who fully repays His enemies!”
Isaiah 66:5-6

1. There were those who feared the LORD.

a) They were among the remnant.

b) But they trembled at the Word of God.

c) These were given a special word of encouragement from the LORD.

2. The enemies of the remnant faithful.

a) They were brethren.

b) But they hated the remnant for their faith in the LORD.

c) The enemies cast the faithful remnant out.

d) They taunted them as they persecuted the faithful.

i) The enemies challenged them to speak of joy in the LORD.

ii) They mocked the faithful for speaking of glorifying God.

e) God promised the faithful that their enemies would be ashamed of their wicked behaviour one day.

f) The enemies did not believe in the LORD much.

g) They had no regard for the Temple in Zion.

3. The LORD would cause His voice to be heard.

a) It may seem like a noise to some.

b) But it would be a voice from the Temple.

c) In fact, it would be the voice of the LORD.

d) He would fully repay His enemies.

i) The enemies of the faithful remnant are also the enemies of God.

ii) The LORD would punish the wicked enemies for their evil ways.

e) The faithful remnant need not be afraid of the plots of their enemies.