Daily Devotions


Day 528

"Shall a nation be born at once?"

Text: Isaiah 66:8


Israel had not understood what it would take to build a strong nation. Unwisely, Israel desired an instant nation to arise. Bad principles were followed and as a result the nation became weak!

“‘Before she was in labour, she gave birth;
Before her pain came,
She delivered a male child.
Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labour,
She gave birth to her children.
Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?’ says the LORD.
‘Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?’ says your God.”
Isaiah 66:7-9

1. An illustration from child-bearing.

a) The normal procedure is to wait till labour comes before a child is born.

b) But Israel “delivered a male child” even before the full term of pregnancy was accomplished.

c) A severely pre-mature baby was delivered!

d) In the ancient days, this was unheard of!

2. Two pertinent question were raised

a) Shall the earth give birth in one day?

b) Shall a nation be born at once?

c) This was the folly Israel followed.
It wanted an instant nation.

3. Zion was not quite ready to give birth.

a) But it did.

b) She gave birth to children even when she was not ready for it.

4. What was Israel’s problem?

a) Israel left God out of the picture.

b) It was God who brought about the nation.

c) It would be God who would be there to deliver the baby.

d) But Israel had excluded God.

e) It was God who had blessed Israel with prosperity and power.

f) But the nation had forgotten God’s part.

g) In the delivery process God was left out completely.