Daily Devotions


Day 532

"The LORD will judge all flesh"

Text: Isaiah 66:16


The LORD will come as a Judge one day. All will be judged by Him. The righteous will be distinguished from the unrighteous.

“For by fire and by His sword
The LORD will judge all flesh;
And the slain of the LORD shall be many.
‘Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves,
To go to the gardens
After an idol in the midst,
Eating swine’s flesh and the abomination and the mouse,
Shall be consumed together,’ says the LORD.”
Isaiah 66:16-17

1. Means of judgment.

a) By fire.

b) By sword.

c) Both would come from the LORD.

2. Those who would be found guilty.

a) They would be slain.

b) Unfortunately, there would be many slain.

3. Those who appear to be religious.

a) Being religious does not mean being righteous.

b) There were many in Israel who were religious.

c) The activities of these people.

i) They sanctify themselves.

ii) They purify themselves.

iii) They invent religious rites that were supposed to purify them.

d) Their practices:

i) They worship idols in their gardens.

ii) They ate things that were forbidden unclean goods (swine and mice).

e) These religious but unrighteous people would face judgment and be consumed.