Daily Devotions


Day 534

"Priests and Levites"

Text: Isaiah 66:21


One of the ways in which the LORD is to be worshipped is to present Him with an offering. The gift to be presented to God would be “brethren” from all nations!

“‘Then they shall bring all your brethren
for an offering to the LORD out of all nations,
on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels,
to My holy mountain Jerusalem,’ says the LORD,
‘as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel
into the house of the LORD.
And I will also take some of them for priests and Levites,’ says the LORD.”
Isaiah 66:20-21

1. The missionary endeavour (Isaiah 66:20)

a) To speak of the glory of the LORD.

b) To people from every nation.

c) There would be good and positive response to the gospel message.

2. Brethren from all nations.

a) There would be those who would respond favourably to the LORD.

b) They would become brethren from all nations.

c) This would make up the offering that would be presented to God.

3. How the offering would be presented to the LORD.

a) They would come on horses.

b) They would come in chariots.

c) In litters on mules and camels.

4. Where would be the place of worship?

a) It would be at Jerusalem.

b) It would be at God’s “holy mountain”.

c) The picture of worship is likened to the children of Israel bringing an offering to the house of the LORD.

5. Priests and Levites

a) In the Old Testament system God ordained priests and Levites to minister in the Temple in Jerusalem.

b) The LORD would once again ordain servants who would serve Him as His “priests and Levites”.