Daily Devotions


Day 74

"The Lord sent a word against Jacob"

Text: Isaiah 9:8


The sin of Israel was addressed again and again by the LORD through His prophets. Word after word was sent to Israel but many did not take heed!

“The Lord sent a word against Jacob,
And it has fallen on Israel.
All the people will know—
Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria—
Who say in pride and arrogance of heart:
‘The bricks have fallen down,
But we will rebuild with hewn stones;
The sycamores are cut down,
But we will replace them with cedars.'”
Isaiah 9:8-10

1. The word of the LORD.

a) It was sent against Jacob.

i) The name “Jacob” was used to represent her nation when it was wilful and self-centred.

ii) The nation in the days of King Ahaz was sinful and wicked.

b) It had fallen on Israel.

i) The name “Israel” was given by God when Jacob had been repentant and had drawn close to Him.

ii) But the reality was that “Israel” was not totally freed from the old “Jacob”.

iii) Israel may have changed somewhat, but the problem of being prone to sin
was still very strong.

2. Ephraim

a) It was the leading tribe of Israel.

b) This name was used to represent the nation of Israel.

c) Samaria was the capital of the nation of the Northern kingdom of Israel.

d) Whenever they spoke it was always pride and arrogance of heart.

3. The fall of Israel.

a) “Bricks” represented houses in Israel.

b) “Sycamore” wood was used commonly in the construction of homes.

c) Many homes were destroyed because of warfare.

4. The arrogance of Ephraim (Israel).

a) They would just rebuild their nation.

b) They would rebuild better and stronger:

i) With hewn stones (high quality).

ii) With cedar (costly wood).

c) The idea behind these words.

i) They do not need the LORD and His word.

ii) They will rebuild on their own strength.

iii) Such was their pride and arrogance of heart.