Daily Devotions


Day 77

"Wickedness burns as the fire"

Text: Isaiah 9:18


Israel’s understanding of the LORD was that He was benignly passive. The nation had not understood God properly! He was a holy God who would punish those who persist in wickedness.

“Therefore the Lord will have no joy in their young men,
Nor have mercy on their fatherless and widows;
For everyone is a hypocrite and an evildoer,
And every mouth speaks folly.
For all this His anger is not turned away,
But His hand is stretched out still.
For wickedness burns as the fire;
It shall devour the briers and thorns,
And kindle in the thickets of the forest;
They shall mount up like rising smoke.
Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts
The land is burned up,
And the people shall be as fuel for the fire;
No man shall spare his brother.”
Isaiah 9:17-19

1. An important declaration about the LORD’s regard to the following:

a) The hypocrite.

b) The evildoer.

c) Those who speak folly.

2. Whoever they may be:

a) Offspring who may be young but follow the path of wickedness.

b) The nation’s fatherless and widows.

c) Their status in life does not excuse their wickedness.

3. The anger of the LORD:

a) It stems from His holiness.

b) His righteous Being is affronted by blatant wickedness.

c) The righteous anger of the Lord would not be placated by offering sacrifices.

4. The wrath of the LORD is compared to a great fire.

a) The land would be burned up.

b) The people would be fodder for the fire that burns.

c) Brother would turn against brother because of wickedness.