Daily Devotions


Day 12

"Drawn away by his own desires and enticed."

Text: James 1:14


James went on to write the following text that sheds further light on the subject of testing.

“But each one is tempted when he is
drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”
James 1:14-15

1. The source of temptation

a) James highlights the source of the problem to the individual.
b) It is the personal “desires” within the individual that is the source of temptation.
c) The enticement is the natural result of the evil desires of the heart.

2. Three distinct steps to take note of:

a) “Desire”
i) It is conceived by the individual.
ii) This cannot be attributed to God.
b) “Sin”
i) This desire can lead to sin.
ii) Sin however can be nipped in the bud.
iii) But if it is allowed to become “full-grown” it will become destructive.
c) “Death”
i) It can lead to spiritual death.
ii) It can lead to physical death.


It is in this context that James was prompted to write what he did:

1. That one should not say, “I am tempted by God”.

(When in fact it is his sinful desires that are enticing him to sin.)

2. That God does not tempt anyone

a) God is not the Author of confusion.
b) He is also not the Author of sin.
c) He is certainly not associated with that which leads to sin and death.
d) He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to free us from sin and to give us eternal and abundant life!