Daily Devotions


Day 16

"Let every man be swift to hear..."

Text: James 1:19


It was logical for James to add this word. There must be ramifications to having faith in God.

“So then, my beloved brethren,
let every man be swift to hear,
slow to speak, slow to wrath;
for the wrath of man does not
produce the righteousness of God.”
James 1:19-20

1. Common problems

a) James was dealing with common problems among believers.
b) These were not stated but they may be surmised from reading this word of advice.

2. Three practical words

a) “Swift to hear”
i) We are reminded of what the Lord Jesus often said
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 13:9)
ii) A major problem is that not many hear as much as they should.
b) “Slow to speak”
i) The danger is that many tended to speak more than they heard.
ii) James urged his readers to choose to hear than to swiftly give opinions that may not be well thought through.
c) “Slow to wrath”
i) Many seem to have a problem with being easily angered.
ii) Anger is not easily controlled; wrath is simply worse.
iii) We are also reminded of how the Lord warned against the danger of wrath.
(Matthew 5:21-22 – where anger, cursing a person and murder are lumped together as sins that need to be noted.)

3. “The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God”

a) Man’s wrath does not produce anything good.
b) It certainly does not produce the fruit of righteousness.
i) James clarifies what true righteousness is.
ii) True righteousness is properly described as “the righteousness of God”.
iii) Man’s wrath certainly cannot bring forth this fruit of righteousness.