Daily Devotions


Day 172

"I will ruin... the great pride of Jerusalem"

Text: Jeremiah 13:9


The LORD had to help Jeremiah understand why Judah and Jerusalem had become so dreadfully sinful. A few reasons were highlighted.

“Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
‘Thus says the LORD: ‘In this manner I will ruin
the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem.
This evil people, who refuse to hear My words,
who follow the dictates of their hearts,
and walk after other gods to serve them and worship them,
shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing.””
Jeremiah 13:8-10

1. “Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying”

a) This does not mean that Jeremiah did not know this truth.
b) The Lord sends His word:
i) For instruction.
ii) For insight.
iii) For inspiration.

2. “Thus says the LORD: ‘In this manner I will ruin the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem'”

a) The sash symbol was in mind.
b) As the sash became ruined, so Judah and Jerusalem will face ruin.
c) What was being ruined?
i) The pride of Judah.
ii) The great pride of Jerusalem.
d) Pride?
i) Wealth
ii) Power
iii) Fame

3. “This evil people, who refuse to hear My words, who follow the dictates of their hearts,
and walk after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing”

a) Judah and Jerusalem
The inhabitants had become “evil people”.
b) Refusal to listen:
i) They had rejected the Covenants.
ii) They had rejected the Law.
iii) They had refused to hear the prophets of God sent to them.
c) “Who follow the dictates of their hearts”
i) To what did they listen then?
ii) They listened to their hearts.
iii) Even if their hearts were foolish and wicked.
d) “And walk after other gods to serve them and worship them”
i) They walked after other gods (idols).
ii) They served them.
iii) They worshipped them.
e) “Shall be just like this sash which is profitable for nothing”
i) Judah and Jerusalem had a beautiful sash to wear once.
ii) A ruined sash is truly “profitable for nothing”.
iii) A devastated Judah and Jerusalem was depicted in that ruined sash.