Daily Devotions


Day 198

"Remember me and visit me"

Text: Jeremiah 15:15


Jeremiah found himself in difficult straits! On the one hand, he had to preach faithfully God’s word given to him. On the other hand, there were enemies who persecuted him. Prayer was the recourse he chose.

“O LORD, You know;
Remember me and visit me,
And take vengeance for me on my persecutors.
In Your enduring patience, do not take me away.
Know that for Your sake I have suffered rebuke.”
Jeremiah 15:15

1. “O LORD, You know; remember me and visit me”

a) His prayer was heartfelt.
b) He expressed faith that God knew him well.
c) He asked:
i) That God would remember him in his time of trouble.
ii) That the Lord would visit him with favour.

2. “And take vengeance for me on my persecutors”

a) There was an imprecatory element in this prayer.
b) He asked that God would take vengeance for him.
c) That God would judge his persecutors and mete out divine punishment on them.

3. “In Your enduring patience, do not take me away. Know that for Your sake I have suffered rebuke”

a) “In Your enduring patience”
i) God had been most patient with Jeremiah.
ii) He had begun his ministry as a prophet from a young age.
iii) He had many lessons to learn about life and ministry.
b) “Do not take me away”
i) He was conscious that he had made mistakes along the way.
ii) God could have taken him away from ministry easily.
iii) God could also have decided that his life had come to an end.
iv) His plea to God was that he may be spared and be allowed to continue to live and to serve.
c) “Know that for Your sake I have suffered rebuke”
i) Jeremiah suffered rebuke from his persecutors.
ii) He endured suffering for the sake of the Lord and the ministry.
iii) He prayed that God would receive this prayer.