Daily Devotions


Day 53

"In pretense"

Text: Jeremiah 3:10


Israel’s sins and judgment were for Judah to see and learn from. Yet, Judah failed to learn anything from Israel’s failure.

“‘Then I saw that for all the causes
for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery,
I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce;
yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear,
but went and played the harlot also.
So it came to pass, through her casual harlotry,
that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees.
And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah
has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense,’ says the LORD.”
Jeremiah 3:8-10

1. “Backsliding Israel”

a) There were causes for her backsliding. The following may be highlighted:
i) Bad and selfishly ambitious kings.
ii) Evil false prophets who taught lies as truth.
iii) Avaricious merchants who capitalised on the promotion of idolatry.
iv) Moral weakness of the people.
b) The results
i) Wanton idolatrous practices.
ii) This was termed “harlotry”.
iii) Israel regarded this sin problem as “casual” rather than grievous.
iv) Israel defiled God’s land when the people worshipped stones and trees and turned their back on the Lord.

2. “A certificate of divorce”

a) This term was used to describe a severance of relationship between God and Israel.
b) Israel had scorned and repudiated the Covenant that God had given
c) God had to put Israel away. The nation went into captivity in 722 BC.
d) God had removed His protection and the Assyrians conquered Israel.

3. “Judah”

a) Many prophets had warned Judah.
b) King Josiah tried to reform the nation.
c) What was needed was not reformation but transformation!
d) Judah resumed their worship of God… externally.
e) In reality, much of their worship was done “in pretense”.
i) Their lips may have offered praise.
ii) But their hearts were far from God (Isaiah 29:13).
f) Pretense to God was simply “treachery”.