Daily Devotions


Day 476

"Put on the armour"

Text: Jeremiah 46:4


Jeremiah sought to picture the Egyptian army readying themselves for battle against the Babylonians. The language used here helps us understand the sense of frenzied activities of the Egyptian army.

“Order the buckler and shield,
And draw near to battle!
Harness the horses,
And mount up, you horsemen!
Stand forth with your helmets,
Polish the spears,
Put on the armor!”
Jeremiah 46:3-4

1. “Order the buckler and shield and draw near to battle”

a) The command was given.

b) This was a call to arms.

i) The buckler was a small round personal shield.

ii) The shield is a much larger version of the buckler.

iii) This protects the body from top to toe.

c) The weapons must be put on:

i) Correctly

ii) Courageously

2. “Harness the horses, and mount up, you horsemen!
Stand forth with your helmets, polish the spears, put on the armour”

a) Egypt was famous for:

i) Its cavalry.

ii) And its army of chariots.

b) In the battle of Carchemish:

i) The whole army of Pharaoh Necho is summoned for war.

ii) The cavalry and the infantry would be mobilized.

iii) Carchemish was the gateway to Syria.

iv) In this battle, Syria and Egypt would be in danger

3. In the ancient army of Egypt there were three main divisions

a) Infantry

b) Cavalry

c) Chariots