Daily Devotions


Day 517

"But I have made Esau bare"

Text: Jeremiah 49:10


In any battle, there will be winners and losers. Esau is another name for Edom. Esau would be badly defeated. It would no longer be a mighty nation, feared by weaker ones. Esau would cease to be a nation after Babylon had destroyed its capabilities in warfare.

“But I have made Esau bare;
I have uncovered his secret places,
And he shall not be able to hide himself.
His descendants are plundered,
His brethren and his neighbours,
And he is no more.
Leave your fatherless children,
I will preserve them alive;
And let your widows trust in Me.”
Jeremiah 49:10-11

1. “But I have made Esau bare; I have uncovered his secret places,
and he shall not be able to hide himself.
His descendants are plundered, his brethren and his neighbours, and he is no more”

a) In the past:

i) Edom was a nation that had many hiding places.

ii) Less resolute conquerors had never been able to conquer Edom completely.

b) Making Esau bare.

i) Esau would have no hiding place.

ii) All the secret places had been discovered.

iii) The nation was now completely bare.

c) Those who supported Esau.

i) Descendants

ii) Brethren

iii) Neighbours

None would be able to come to the assistance of Esau. All would suffer the same fate!

2. “Leave your fatherless children, I will preserve them alive;
and let your widows trust in Me”

a) What about the fatherless children?

b) What about the widows?

c) God made a personal promise to preserve them alive.

d) He was referring to all who had trusted Him.

i) He would cause them to be spared.

ii) He would help them to make a living.

iii) But the warriors of Esau would be no more!