Daily Devotions


Day 564

"Her whole land shall be ashamed"

Text: Jeremiah 51:47


Babylon did not expect that they would be judged by the LORD one day. The Babylonians had many deities, of whom Bel Marduk was the chief. They believed that they would be protected by their gods against all enemies. They could not be more wrong!

“‘Therefore behold, the days are coming
That I will bring judgment on the carved images of Babylon;
Her whole land shall be ashamed,
And all her slain shall fall in her midst.
Then the heavens and the earth and all that is in them
Shall sing joyously over Babylon;
For the plunderers shall come to her from the north,’ says the LORD.”
Jeremiah 51:47-48

1. “Therefore behold, the days are coming that I will bring judgment on the carved images
of Babylon; her whole land shall be ashamed, and all her slain shall fall in her midst”

a) The judgment of the LORD against Babylon was coming soon.

b) The carved images of Babylon:

i) This was a reference to the idols that Babylon worshipped.

ii) The Babylonians worshipped their deities with fervour.

c) Did they know about the LORD?

i) Yes!

ii) They know the LORD God of Israel.

iii) But they rejected the LORD in favour of their idols.

d) When the day of judgment comes:

i) The whole land would be ashamed of their worship of idols.

ii) Their gods had failed to protect them from being slain.

iii) Their deities were helpless against the mighty judgment of the LORD.

2. “‘Then the heavens and the earth and all that is in them shall sing joyously over Babylon;
for the plunderers shall come to her from the north,’ says the LORD”

a) Great joy would be felt:

i) In the heavens.

ii) On the earth.

b) They would sing with great joy.

i) Wicked Babylon had been judged.

ii) Babylon would be plundered by their enemies from the north.