Daily Devotions


Day 38

"Behold, I will raise them"

Text: Joel 3:7


The plan of the enemies was to scatter the Lord’s people to other countries far away. There were several ways in which the enemies planned to destroy the Jews.

1. To kill them in battle.

2. To sell them.

3. To scatter them to foreign countries.

4. To destroy their place of worship and along the way kill their faith in the LORD.


God would not allow the enemies of Israel to have the final word. He would deliver them and bring them back.

“Behold, I will raise them
Out of the place to which you have sold them,
And will return your
retaliation upon your own head.”
Joel 3:7

1. “Behold, I will raise them out of the place to which you have sold them”

a) The Jews may have been sold to other countries.
b) But God would protect them and bless them.
i) The prophet Daniel would be an example of how God would protect and bless.
ii) Queen Esther and Mordecai are also good examples of how the Lord would protect His people.
c) God can and will raise them out of foreign lands far away.
i) When Cyrus, the Persian King ascended the throne he made a royal decree.
ii) He would send back all Jews who desired to return to their homeland.
iii) He would also support financially the rebuilding of the Lord’s temple (2 Chronicles 36:22-23).

2. “And will return your retaliation upon your own head”

a) The law of recompense would apply.
b) The cruel deeds they had done would be experienced by the enemies.
i) They would be disposed of their lands.
ii) They would be defeated in battles.
iii) They would be sold as slaves.
iv) They would be scattered.
c) The difference would be:
i) God would not redeem them.
ii) They would perish because of their wickedness.