Daily Devotions
When people continue in their unbelief
Text: John 12 : 37-50
It is important that we bear in mind that Jesus had done His utmost to help people believe in Him. Every good teaching technique was employed. Every means was explored. Every opportunity was seized to present the Gospel of salvation! Still the fact remained that the people could not and did not come to faith in Christ.
If the Jews failed to come to faith in Jesus, we need not look too far to figure out the reasons why this was the case! They had only themselves to blame! They refused to look at the evidence. They refused to hear what Jesus said. They chose to ignore all the arguments that Jesus presented to them from the Scriptures. Even sign-miracles did not help them to come to faith in Jesus.
John noted the persistent unbelief of the Jews. He could not help but recall what the prophet Isaiah wrote.
“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts,
Lest they should see with their eyes,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.”
John 12:40
When people persist in their unbelief, and when they choose to reject the obvious truth presented to them, they set in motion the judgment of God. If people choose to close their eyes to the truth, then God can also exercise His prerogative to cause them to remain in their state of blindness. If a person has eyes but refuses to use them, then he is in fact worse than the blind man who does not have eyes to see. When people harden their hearts continually, then God reserves the right to close off their understanding completely. The time for repentance for some was over. They would now never see, nor understand. Thus they would never be healed by the Lord! With sadness of heart, John penned these words as he observed once again, how the people queried Jesus even as He taught them.
Isaiah lived hundreds of years before Jesus was incarnated! He never saw the wondrous miracles Jesus performed. He never heard Him gloriously expound the Gospel of salvation, but he could still see the glory of the Messiah. It was his faith that enabled him to see Jesus as he did.
“These things Isaiah said when he saw His glory
and spoke of Him.”
John 12:41
Did all the Jews reject Jesus completely? Apparently not! John wrote about a small enclave of the Jews who had come to faith in Christ, but they had not yet found the courage and the strength to stand up boldly for their faith.
“Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him,
but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue;
for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”
John 12:42-43
John was most gracious when he wrote this comment about the faith of the fearful Jews. John noted the following observations:-
1. “Many believed in Him”
There were “many” among the rulers who believed! Nicodemus was a prime example. Then there were the Jews who witnessed Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. These became believers! Somehow, they lacked the courage to stand up and identify themselves with Jesus!
2. The Pressure Applied by the Pharisees
There was no mistaking the pressure that the Pharisees put on anyone who was inclined to believe in Jesus. If anyone declared his faith in Christ openly, he was to be excommunicated! No synagogue would receive the person who sided with Jesus!
3. A candid comment
John noted one of the reasons why some of the Jews did not openly declare their faith in Jesus. As “rulers” they enjoyed certain privileges. In public functions, they would always be feted and honoured by people. Over the years, they had grown to love being praised by their fellow men. They figured that if they were to ever suffer the indignity of being put out of the synagogues, they would suffer a mortal social blow. They would lose their “good name”. They would lose their standing in society. Worse, they would be vilified by the Pharisees. At this point in time, they were not yet able to heed the words that Jesus had spoken about following Him fully (John 12:25-26). They loved their life too much to give it up entirely to follow Jesus!
How did Jesus see the people as they struggled within their hearts concerning faith in Him? Could they really be happy where they were? How could they speak of a secret faith in Him? How would they respond when they heard the Pharisees vilifying Him? How could they keep quiet as they listened to the plots of the chief priests and Pharisees to kill Jesus?
These “secret believers” were in no man’s land. It may be understandable if there was initial fear. But how could they allow their fears to continue? If they were to remain silent when the death of Jesus was being plotted, how could they say that they had believed in Jesus?
The struggle within the hearts of the rulers must have been very real and intense. Nicodemus began his journey of faith by seeking Jesus out, in the night. He stood up for Jesus on one occasion, arguing that the Jews should not prejudge Jesus (John 7:51). The Jews rounded on him. They snapped and jeered at him. Had he, the famous Nicodemus, also come to faith in Jesus (John 7:52)? The struggles were intense, but faith in Jesus was worth every bit of struggle!