Daily Devotions


Day 174

An astonished and awkward reply

Text: John 13 : 1 - 20


Peter must have been flabbergasted by the words of Jesus! He could not bear the implications of what Jesus said! “No part of Jesus?” That’s unthinkable! Perhaps, Peter thought that he might have once again put his foot into his mouth! He had spoken out of turn! As if to make amends for having spoken something erroneous, he said,

“Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!”

John 13:9

Peter’s heart was in the right place, but he wasn’t the most discerning of the Disciples at this stage. He wanted very much to belong to Jesus! If by the washing of the feet, he would belong to Him, then He might as well wash his hands and head too! Then he would totally belong to Jesus! Peter blundered badly when he first spoke up. He did not redeem himself in the second remark!


Graciously and with much love in His heart, Jesus spoke to Peter and said,

“‘He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet,
but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.’
For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said,
‘You are not all clean.'”

John 13:10-11

Jesus used this opportunity to speak to His Disciples about being “clean”. They had been “bathed” already! They had been baptized by Jesus. Their faith in Him had brought about their cleansed state. However, even as He said that, Jesus had to make a qualifying statement. Not all of them were clean. There was one in their midst who had never been cleansed! Of course, He was making a veiled reference to Judas. Jesus used a veiled reference to Judas in order to “protect” him from the anger of the other Disciples, if they were to comprehend that he was the one who would betray their beloved Teacher!

The idea of being “clean” was being compared to a person who had taken a bath! However, when a person walked in the streets, his feet would become dirty. People in those days wore sandals rather than shoes! They didn’t have socks either! Thus, inevitably, they would get their feet dirty. And when the feet are dirty, they must be cleansed! This was one of the intended lessons that Jesus sought to teach His disciples, even as He washed their feet.

They must recognize their need for daily cleansing. They must know also that only Jesus Himself could cleanse them from their daily sins! They must submit to Him for their daily cleansing. Gently, but carefully and thoroughly, He would cleanse them from their sins. Yes, it would be a humbling process to be cleansed in this manner, but it must be done! No matter how long they had been with Jesus, they still need to be cleansed daily! How thankful they should feel that Jesus would clean them up personally!


One of the principles Jesus sought to teach His Disciples was found in this text.

“So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments,
and sat down again, He said to them,
‘Do you know what I have done to you?'”

John 13:12

Jesus must have done this on innumerable occasions! How important it was that the Disciples practised the art of reflection! Jesus sat with His Disciples once again. He was NOT their servant! A servant does not sit in the presence of his master! He only stands and wait! But Jesus sat among His Disciples. He was their Teacher! He would always rank higher!

Did His students; the Disciples understand what they had just experienced? Did they experience anything at all? Was the washing of their feet only a physical act? Surely not! It would take moments of quiet reflection to comprehend the deep symbolic act that Jesus had performed!


The Disciples were not skilled at reflecting just yet! Thus there were no answers forthcoming. Besides, they had heard what Peter had just said, and they were not about to embarrass themselves in the same way! Wisely, Jesus understood and began to explain what He did.

“You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well,
for so I am.
If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also ought to wash one another’s feet.
For I have given you an example, that you should do
as I have done to you.”

John 13:13-15

The Disciples must not think that Jesus was at their beck and call! They must ever remember that He was both their Teacher and Lord! He was indeed their Teacher and Lord. Thus the utmost respect must be accorded Him at all times!

But wait; though He was their Teacher and Lord, nevertheless He served them as a servant! Could they understand what He was saying? He was teaching them an important truth-principle right here. They must comprehend how they must relate to each other in the future. They must practise the concept of being a “servant-leader”.

Jesus made no further reference to the first lesson – that of being cleansed! The disciples could not of course cleanse each other of sins! Only Jesus could do that. However, the second lesson was also of great importance. They must cultivate themselves in such a way that they would end up with a servant’s heart!

A wonderful example had been set before them! Jesus had washed their feet! Few menial jobs are as humble as this one. If Jesus could do this menial task, though He was their Teacher and Lord, then they must practise this truth-principle in their life and ministry.