Daily Devotions
Day 241 – John 16
John wrote honestly about how he and his fellow-disciples struggled with some of the teachings of Jesus. This was one of those humbling passages that show us how the Disciples felt as they listened to Jesus. They knew that He was teaching them deep and important truths, but they just could not go beyond a certain level of understanding.
“Then some of His Disciples said among themselves,
‘What is this that He says to us,
“A little while, and you will not see Me;
and again a little while, and you will see Me”;
and “because I go to the Father”?”
They said therefore, ‘What is this that He says,
“A little while”?’
We do not know what He is saying.'”
John 16:17-18
Jesus did not do wrong when He taught His Disciples as He did. He made them think. He made them discuss things among themselves. He engaged His Disciples meaningfully. He had succeeded in His teaching!
Jesus was not upset with His Disciples. He knew His Disciples and loved them, even though they struggled with His teachings. He had chosen simple words. They were words that sought to do more than just inform them that He would soon depart from this earth. His choice of language was meant to cause His Disciples to think of larger issues, such as the brevity of life, and the reality of the life hereafter. Had He just spoken of His death, the Disciples would not have understood how He saw the concept of death!
Jesus was still with His Disciples. They may not have fully understood all that He wanted to teach them, but He was there to explain things. And even if they failed to understand Him at the present moment, there was still “tomorrow”. There was still the Holy Spirit to fall back on. He would help them to understand what He meant when He spoke as He did.
“Now Jesus knew that they desired to ask Him,
and He said to them, ‘Are you inquiring among yourselves
about what I said, “A little while, and you will not see Me;
and again a little while, and you will see Me”?
Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament,
But the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful,
but your sorrow will be turned into joy.'”
John 16:19-20
Jesus now gave His Disciples the reasons why He spoke as He did.
1. If He only spoke of His death
Jesus knew that deep down, His Disciples loved Him dearly. If He had only spoken of His death, He knew that they would “weep and lament… and be sorrowful”. Even as He broached the subject of His demise (John 14), their hearts had already begun to be filled with sadness.
2. Death spoken of in the context of life hereafter
Jesus spoke of life instead. The hope of life wasn’t a platitude He was saying. He Himself believed with all His heart that death was not to be feared. What were His thoughts as He spoke about death? They were thoughts of His Father. They were thoughts of life. They were happy thoughts of being with His Father again!
3. The disdain of the world
Jesus knew exactly how the world and the Jews who hated Him would feel if they were to hear this word from His lips. They would “rejoice”. The news of the death of Jesus would bring them great happiness. Jesus spoke of the world in order to provide a needed contrast.
The world knew nothing about God’s plan for Jesus to die as the Lamb of God. The world hated Jesus because He proved to be a great threat to them. The Jews did not have a deep conviction concerning the life hereafter. Thus death was final. If Jesus died, then that was the end of everything.
The Disciples must not allow this secular mindset to creep into their way of thinking. Death did not have the final word! God did! He would raise Jesus from the dead. The Disciples must struggle and win this battle by exercising their faith and hope in all that Jesus had taught them.
4. From Sorrow into joy
Jesus urged His Disciples to see beyond the issue of death. Yes, it was always a hard thing to face the grim reaper! But there was Someone far greater than Death. The Father was able to raise Jesus from the dead. He would not allow His beloved Son to perish! He would resurrect Him in due time!
It was natural for the Disciples to go through this season of sorrow. However, if they were to hold on to their faith in Him, their sorrow would give way to joy. Yes, they would sorrow if they could not see Jesus because of His death. However, because of the hope of the resurrection, they would see Him again. Could the Disciples understand that?
5. Jesus minded how the Disciples felt
Why had Jesus spoken as He did? It was because He felt their sorrow and despair. He minded how they felt. He did not want them to grieve as if there was no hope. There was every hope in God! What a tender and compassionate Teacher! But We See Jesus…!