Daily Devotions
Day 306 – John 19
The Jews must have seen the crucifixion of Jesus as their greatest hour of triumph. They had lost battle after battle with Jesus. But they had finally triumphed, or so they thought.
To the Romans, Jesus was just another case. His death held little or no interest to Rome at all. Just as long as nothing threatened Rome’s power, the release or execution of another individual was of no great interest to Rome at all.
How did Jesus see His death? It is most significant to see the hour of Jesus’ death from His own standpoint. One of the most striking passages must be this one found in John’s Gospel.
“Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay
down My life that I may take it again. No one
takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself.
I have power to lay it down, and I have power
to take it again. This command I have received
from My Father.”
John 10:17-18
1. “This command I have received from My Father”
A word from His Father was likened to a command from Him. This was the kind of regard that Jesus had of His Father! A word from the Father is a command simply because of who He is! He who is Father deserves this kind of regard!
2. “Therefore My Father loves Me”
The relationship of love between the Father and Son was so deep and strong, that Jesus could speak of how He treasured this bond. He knew that there was always that love between them. However, when Jesus complied with His Father’s command, that deep love seemed even deeper!
3. “I lay down My Life that I may take it again”
At no time did Jesus feel that He had lost control of His life’s situation! His Father wanted Him to lay down His life. Yes, it was a command from Him, and yet it was also a command that did not take away the power of Jesus to decide that He wanted to lay down His own life willingly!
4. “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself”
The command of the Father must be understood in the light of this text. The significance of Jesus’ death is to be found in the fact that He laid it down of His own free will – notwithstanding the fact that it was His Father’s command to lay down that life for the sake of saving mankind from the penalty of sin.
5. “I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again”
This was an awesome truth indeed. Within Jesus lay immense power! At any time He could have wielded His power and decimated His enemies! However, He chose to lay down His life. The laying down of His life must be seen and appreciated as a display of tremendous power! It takes great power to raise a person from the dead. That is obvious. What may not be so obvious is that it takes power also to lay down that life!
The Jews were wrong in thinking that they had the upper hand, when they managed to force Pontius Pilate to accede to their request to have Jesus condemned! Pilate was wrong in saying what he did to Jesus.
“Do You not know that I have power to crucify
You, and power to release You?”
John 19:10
If Jesus had wanted to use His power to resist the Jews and Pilate, all He needed to do would have been to speak a word, and legions of angels would have been summoned to come to His aid immediately! Jesus had all the power in the world, but not once had He ever abused that power for personal advantage!
Jesus’ understanding and use of His power stood in stark and direct contrast to that wielded by the Jews and Pilate.
1. The Jews (chief priests/elders etc.)
a) They abused their powers in the worst possible way – constantly and consistently.
b) They manipulated people.
c) They bent laws to their own advantage.
2. Pontius Pilate
a) His understanding of power was more “political” than actual.
b) He too tried to manipulate the law where possible.
c) He failed to understand the true power that resided in Jesus.
3. Jesus
a) He chose to obey His Father’s will/command both implicitly and explicitly.
b) Not once had He ever abused the real power that resided in Him.
c) He chose obedience to His Father’s command as the supreme example of true power!
If we were asked to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, are we willing and able to submit ourselves to the Will of God our Father? How would we really fare when we have to suffer shame, indignity and even pain when called upon to suffer for the sake of the Lord’s Name? As we gaze at the Crucifixion scene, let us never allow ourselves to think that Jesus lost control of the situation. He yielded Himself completely to His Father’s will! That is true power!