Daily Devotions


Day 348


Day 348 – John 20


Luke in the sequel to his Gospel, noted that Jesus spent time teaching His Disciples. He wrote,

“To whom He also presented Himself alive after
His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen
by them during forty days and speaking of the things
pertaining to the kingdom of God.”
Acts 1:3

It was important that His Disciples overcame all their doubts concerning the fact that He had risen from the dead! They must with all their hearts and minds believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt that He was truly alive!

To this end, He met with His Disciples, sometimes singly, and sometimes in a group. If His own Disciples could not believe in this fundamental truth – that He had risen from the dead, what hope could they have that others would believe if they were to proclaim that He had risen from the dead. The preaching of a dead Saviour was useless! How many would be convinced and touched, if the message ended with His death?

Jesus spent time with His Disciples for yet another reason. He had much more to teach His Disciples concerning “the things pertaining to the kingdom of God”. The Disciples must be even better equipped and trained for the ministry! They must know their Scriptures so well that they could convince others about the message they would proclaim.

Luke in His Gospel described how Jesus met up with two of His Disciples on the road to Emmaus. Along the way, Jesus expounded the Scriptures to His Disciples. He wrote,

“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He
expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things
concerning Himself.”
Luke 24:27

On another occasion, Luke described again how Jesus took great pains to teach His Disciples.

“These are the words which I spoke to you while I
was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled
which were written in the Law of Moses and the
Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me. And He
opened their understanding, that they might
comprehend the Scriptures.”
Luke 24:44-45

Much was at stake. Jesus was readying His Disciples to carry on where He had left over! For that they must first be convinced that He had risen from the dead. But that in itself was not enough for ministry. They must know the Scriptures so thoroughly that they are able to preach with power and authority the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!


Jesus would appear from time to time to His Disciples and then disappear. There were a number of reasons why He did that.

1. A New Phase of Life and Ministry

The Disciples must understand that a new phase of life and ministry had dawned on them. No longer would they have the privilege of having Jesus among them all the time, as it was in the past!

They would have to get used to the fact that Jesus would no longer be physically present to lead them. They would have to organize themselves. They would have to recognize each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They must not fail!

2. Learning to Fellowship Meaningfully Among Themselves

The Disciples had to learn how to have good and meaningful fellowship with each other. The women Disciples had tried to share how they had met with the Lord, but they had been disbelieved! This attitude, this approach had to change!

As more of the Disciples met the Risen Saviour, they began to realize that the women Disciples were right! Their beloved Teacher had indeed appeared to the women first! It must have been a humbling thing to accept, but it was the Lord’s prerogative whom He chose to make an appearance!

They must now learn from each other. They must listen to each other better. They must in new humility recognize that they needed each other’s input. Together, they could fulfill what Jesus was entrusting to them.

3. So Much to Mull over

Jesus had taught them much. He had expounded the Scriptures to them. He had cited from the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms. They must go over these texts again and again. They must learn their lessons well this time. They must not fail Jesus so easily this time round!

How skillfully Jesus handled the Scriptures. How easy He had made everything sound! They knew just why it was thus with Jesus! He loved the Scriptures. They were His Father’s doctrines. How He must have hidden the Word of God in His heart to know the Scriptures so well.

He had opened their understanding. The Spirit of God had been given to them. They must now do their part. They must take time to meditate on the Word of God given to them!

They must attempt to do what Jesus Himself practised. They must learn to relate to God as their Father in prayer. They must learn how to pray in and through the Name of their Risen Saviour. They must be conscious of the Holy Spirit guiding them!