Daily Devotions


Day 43

The bronze serpent

Text: John 3:1-21


Jesus knew that Nicodemus could follow His train of thought, even if he did not fully understand all that he had heard. He went on to explain more about “The Son of Man” one of the popular titles of The Messiah of Israel.

Jesus stretched the imagination of Nicodemus when He went on to speak of the Son of Man by giving an illustration of an incident recorded in the Book of Numbers. Moses had a difficult time leading a stiff-necked and rebellious nation, who complained at the slightest difficulty.

Moses recorded that event. He wrote,

“And the people spoke (complained) against God and Moses:
‘Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die
in the wilderness?
For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes
This worthless bread!’ “
Numbers 21:5

Imagine the audacity of the children of Israel as they uttered these words. They loathed the very bread that God had given them. Had not God provided the bread, the whole nation would have starved to death! Instead of gratitude, the people complained against God and Moses!

God had been tolerating their constant griping all this while. This time round He decided that He would discipline the people for their sinfully ungrateful spirit.

“So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people,
and they bit the people, and many of the people died.”
Numbers 21:6

Fearful because of this display of God’s chastising power the people came to Moses humbly and said,

” ‘ We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord
and against you;
Pray to the Lord, that He take away the serpents from us.’

So Moses prayed for the people.”
Numbers 21:7

God replied to Moses immediately. He said,

” ‘ Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole;
and it shall be that everyone who is bitten,
when he looks at it, he shall live.’

So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole;
And so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone,
When he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.”
Numbers 21:8-9


Nicodemus would be familiar with this story. Thus Jesus made reference to it. However, Jesus applied the story in a very special way. He drew a parallel between this Biblical story and Himself.

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
That whoever believes in Him should not perish
But have eternal life.”
John 3:14-15

What a parallel Jesus drew! Nicodemus would never have drawn this parallel! The story of Moses and the Bronze Serpent was easily understood. It could be applied in a number of ways.

1. It could be used to warn against the danger of complaining against God.

2. It could be used to teach the fact that God can exercise the prerogative of meting out judgment against sinful people.

3. It could even be used to teach that God would forgive people who repented of their sins!

However, Jesus went way beyond those simple and obvious applications! He spoke of Himself being lifted up! What did that mean?

Jesus was teaching Nicodemus a heavenly truth. He was in fact foretelling that He would one day die on the cross. He would be lifted up on a pole (cross) too. How could Nicodemus understand this deep truth?

That was exactly what Jesus was trying to communicate to Nicodemus. If he failed to understand simple truths, he could never understand deeper truths!


Jesus went on to add another important element in His discussion of what it means to enter into the Kingdom of God. The person would not only be born again. He would also inherit eternal life! He would never perish for he would be given a special gift. That gift would come from none other than the Messiah Himself.

Did Nicodemus understand all that Jesus had said? He would have to exercise his faith. He would have to decide whether he could truly believe in Jesus. Was He on the level? Was He really able to give eternal life to anyone who exercised belief in Him?


What a powerful Word Jesus gave to Nicodemus. So much was riding on Nicodemus’ response to what Jesus said. The question was whether he could honestly and sincerely say that he had genuine faith in Jesus and in what He taught!