Daily Devotions
Jesus - the eternal Son of God
Text: John 3:22-36
John the Baptizer had a truly profound knowledge of Jesus the Messiah. He was more than just a great preacher. He was more than just a wonderful disciple-maker. He was none other than the eternal Son of God. Could his disciples understand the significance of what he had been seeking to teach them?
“The Father loves the Son,
and has given all things into His hand.”
John 3:35
John’s main task as the forerunner was to prepare the way for people to believe in Jesus. Many did not have a very clear idea as to who the Messiah was. There was a general desire to see the Messiah, but few had a clear idea as to who He was. Vague ideas about the Messiah just would not do! The multitudes, and yes, his disciples too needed to have a deeper knowledge and appreciation of who Jesus really was!
One of the hardest concepts to teach must be to present Jesus as the beloved only begotten Son of the Father. John did not flinch from teaching this concept, no matter how difficult it was to present Jesus in this way!
Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah was that He would be the Son of David. Clear were the words of the prophet Isaiah.
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His Name will be called,
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There is no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom…”
Isaiah 9:6-7
There was the teaching that the Messiah would be the Son of David. The prophetic description of this Messianic Son of David was a real puzzle to all Jewish Biblical scholars. Who could this Messiah really be? How could He on the one hand be a descendant of David, and also be called, “The Mighty God”.
This passage was never fully comprehended and resolved. Many opinions were given, but no authoritative voice had been found that fully satisfied all scholars! Then John the Baptizer came on the scene, and he proclaimed that Jesus was THAT Messianic Son of David. He was the physical descendant of David. However, that was not all there was to it. Jesus was greater than David his forefather! The titles given to the Messiah meant that He could not have been just the physical heir of the throne of David!
John explained that Jesus was indeed God’s eternal Son, and that Father “had given all things into His hand” (John 3:35)! He wanted his disciples to try and fathom this truth. If they could comprehend this deep truth, then they would also be able to understand just why He made more disciples than John! It was because the Father had given all things to Him! The respect, the honour, the regard and glory – they were all to be given to Jesus! John understood these truths, and he wanted his disciples to embrace the same perspective!
Jesus had explained to Nicodemus that faith in Him would lead to eternal life. John the Baptizer also taught the same truth! He said,
“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life;
and he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life,
But the wrath of God abides on him.”
John 3:36
The disciples of John must consider carefully the significance of having faith in Jesus. If they were vacillating between two opinions, they must realize that there was a huge difference between Jesus and John.
The disciples must know that though they were loyal to their teacher, he was NOT the Son of God. He could not give them eternal life. He was just a voice crying out in the wilderness!
The Person they needed to be acquainted with was Jesus! They ought to be seeking Him out for He had the gift of life to offer all who believed in Him. To reject Jesus was to invite disastrous consequences!
John preached forgiveness and cleansing. If people would only repent from their sins, they would obtain God’s full forgiveness.
He also preached about God’s wrath. When the hypocritical Pharisees came to his baptism, he spoke to them most forthrightly. He said,
“Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from
the wrath to come?”
Matthew 3:7
He spoke of God’s wrath upon people who were wicked and hypocritical! We can well understand what John was saying when he spoke of the wrath of God coming upon people who were unrepentant and who persisted to live in sin!
John used the same word “wrath” when he warned his disciples that the same “wrath” of God would fall upon those who rejected Jesus! The question of faith in Jesus wasn’t merely a question of choosing between two good spiritual leaders!
The question of believing in Jesus had grave and eternal consequences! If people rejected Jesus, and that would include his disciples, then they would actually be in danger of having God’s wrath being visited upon them! It was that serious!
The relationship between John and his disciples was a good human feeling. But they should look beyond a nice and warm feeling that existed between a teacher and his disciples! Too much was at stake! They just must see Jesus for who He really was!