Daily Devotions


Day 85

Retreating into the mountains

Text: John 6:16-21


The work of Jesus was particularly hard. Despite all the sign-miracles performed, people still could not fathom who He really was. He took time to explain things in detail; nevertheless people did not come to faith. Even His disciples had not come to the desired level of faith that He wished to see! Now, this great crowd of people wanted to force Him to become their king, because they saw this special display of power when He fed 5000 men from five loaves and two fish!

When a multitude had this kind of inclination, there was no way in which truth could penetrate into that fixed mindset! The wisest course of action would be to leave the multitudes. They could do no damage to anybody, even if they would be frustrated and upset that Jesus had disappeared from the scene. His Disciples were of course familiar with Jesus withdrawing to a quiet place for prayer.

Sometimes, when they woke up in the morning, they would find that Jesus had disappeared. The Gospel of Mark made a note of this habit of Jesus to set aside time for the purpose of prayer.

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight,
He went out and departed to a solitary place;
and there He prayed.”
Mark 1:35 (Luke 4:42)

Jesus must have known these mountains so well, that He could disappear and not be found by the multitudes. He thought that it was good and necessary from time to time to withdraw into the wilderness to commune with His Father in prayer. Assuming that Jesus had fed the multitudes around lunch time, and that exercise took an hour or two, He disappeared from the scene for quite a few hours. He was still missing when evening came.

“Now when evening came, His disciples went down
to the sea, got into the boat, and went over the sea
toward Capernaum. And it was already dark, and
Jesus had not come to them.”
John 6:16-17

We are not told just why the Disciples got into a boat to go to Capernaum. They did not seem to have been given any instruction by Jesus concerning going to Capernaum. John’s remark that “It was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them” would reinforce the idea that the Disciples had acted on their own wisdom. Did they perhaps think that they would go to Capernaum for the night, and then return tomorrow morning to meet up with Jesus? Should they have chosen to stay where they were, even if that meant braving the elements for the night? The Scriptures shed no light as to why the Disciples left for Capernaum leaving their Master behind. What if Jesus were to return earlier than they had expected? What if He were to find them gone?


A number of the disciples were fishermen, and had probably been out in the Sea of Galilee on countless occasions. They would probably have encountered sudden storms before too. Those storms could be really fearsome to those not used to the ways of the sea. One such storm came up there and then.

“Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing.
So when they had rowed about three or four miles,
they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat;
and they were afraid.”
John 6:18-19

Jesus had tested their faith just a while back. They had failed that test. They couldn’t figure out that Jesus had the power to multiply the five loaves and two fish to feed the huge multitude! They admired and respected Him as the Messiah who taught the Word powerfully. However, they limited His powers significantly when they could not see beyond their own imagination!

Here was an apparition walking on the sea towards their boat! He looked just like their Teacher. But how could that be? Had He not left them to be alone in the mountain so that He could pray the whole night through? Was it possible that Jesus could walk on the sea? They had never heard of anyone being able to do that before! What were they to make of this new encounter? Fear crept into their heart. Their faith was tested again, and they failed miserably one more time!


Was this apparition really their Master? All fears were eradicated when they heard Him speak. They recognized that beloved voice instantly.

“It is I; do not be afraid.”
John 6:20

The Gospel of Matthew added a special perspective. It involved Peter, the leading disciple, who said,

” ‘Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You
in the water.’
So He said, ‘Come.’ And when Peter had come down
out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid;
and beginning to sink he cried out, saying,
‘Lord, save me!’ And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand
and caught him, and said to him,
‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'”
Matthew 14:28-31

For the sake of strengthening the faith of His Disciples, Jesus walked on the sea in the midst of a storm towards them. How their faith must have soared at that moment!