Daily Devotions
Luke 1:26-38 "AND SHALL CALL HIS NAME JESUS" Luke 1:31"
Day 18 – Luke 1
Text: Luke 1:26-38
What words would you use to describe the Anointed One of God? Even the angel Gabriel would be hard pressed to find suitable words to describe the Baby Jesus that Mary would bear in her womb!
This was no ordinary baby! Did you notice that there was no physical description given of the Baby Jesus! The angel Gabriel did not trivialize the significance of the birth of the Baby Jesus by announcing to Mary, that she would give birth to a “cute, and beautiful baby boy, brown eyes”.
The name “Jesus” is equivalent to the Old Testament name, “Joshua.” However, it is not just the legal name that Gabriel was concerned about. He wanted to impress upon her the symbolic significance of his name. “Jesus” means “Saviour”. He would become the Saviour of Israel, and of all who would call upon His Name in faith!
John the Baptizer was also going to be “great” (Luke 1:15). However, his greatness cannot be compared with that of the Lord Jesus. The greatness of John would be directly derived from the fact that he was the forerunner of the Messiah. His greatness would be that he was faithfully preparing the hearts of people for the coming of the Lord Jesus.
The greatness of the Lord Jesus was an intrinsic greatness. John the Baptizer personally acknowledged the greatness of the Lord Jesus. He spoke of the Lord Jesus as “One mightier than I… whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose” (Luke 3:16).
The greatness of the Lord Jesus was also to be found in His eternal relationship with His Father. He will be called “The Son of the Highest.” This was a unique title given to the Lord Jesus alone!
We are reminded of another prophetic statement found in Isaiah 9:6-7
“For unto us a Child is born
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His Name will be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, Mighty God, The Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace…
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end.
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice”
There is no doubt at all, that when Luke wrote this portion of the birth narrative of the Lord Jesus Christ, he had in mind this prophetic utterance from Isaiah. What a fulfillment of the Scriptures this is!
It is absolutely amazing that Mary was not bowled over by these statements of the angel Gabriel! She had only one query and it was a straightforward and honest one. This query was not a doubt, or else the angel Gabriel would have picked that up straightaway.
She was merely asking how God would fulfil what the angel Gabriel had announced! Her logical mind sought to find a very practical solution to a problem! She was not yet married! How would it be possible for her, a virgin, to bring forth a son – and the Messiah no less?
Zacharias could not bring himself to believe all that the angel Gabriel had said. Thus he was disciplined for his lack of faith.
Mary on the other hand did not exhibit unbelief. She actually accepted all that the angel had told her. Thus she displayed faith. What she wanted to know was how God was going to carry out His plans.
God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. To all honest inquirers, He always gives a kind word of explanation.
We must always guard our hearts. We must be careful as to how we regard God and our understanding of His Word. Let us always make sure that we have a humble spirit when we approach the Lord. We will see the Lord revealing His Word to us. He will always show Himself gracious to every person with a humble heart.
We are reminded of the Lord’s Word in Isaiah 66:2
“But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit
And who trembles at My word”