Daily Devotions


Day 159


Day 159 – Luke 12

Text: Luke 12:4-12


The Lord Jesus dealt with the problem of fear from another perspective. “Fear” is often caused by a number of things. One is the “acquired fear of man”. The other is the loss of the “natural fear of God”.

Jesus went on to deal with another cause of fear. This time, He dealt with a defective understanding of the Lord. There were some who felt that they were unworthy of the notice of God.

Our understanding of God, and a corresponding understanding of our worth before God are important things to keep in proper perspective. A wrong or defective understanding of either, or both, can bring about an unnecessary sense of fear in the heart.


Sparrows were very common birds in Palestine. They were sometimes eaten by the very poor. The sparrows would not provide much meat, and thus they were sold very cheaply in the market.

The copper coin was the lowest denominator of coins used in those days. A daily-waged labourer is paid one denarius for a full day’s work. A copper coin is barely 1/16 of a denarius! Two copper coins would buy five sparrows! Obviously, sparrows were about the cheapest thing you could buy in the market place.

Some thought that they were of less significance than sparrows! Some feel so worthless, that in their own esteem, they were of less value than sparrows. With this totally imperfect view of God and self, it is of little wonder that the fear of man crept into the heart.

The Lord Jesus Christ had to teach His hearers, whom He now called, “My friends” (Luke 12:4), that they were of far greater value than they thought! How comforting it must have been to hear those precious words.

Sparrows may be common creatures. They are found “all over the world”. Everywhere, sparrows have little significance. Nevertheless, Jesus told His hearers that “not one of them is forgotten before God” (Luke 12:6).

There must be millions of “unimportant sparrows” on this earth! Yet, Jesus taught His hearers to believe that God remembers all of them!

Matthew has an interesting additional thought. He wrote,

“Look at the birds of the air,
for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns;
yet your heavenly Father feeds them.”
Matthew 6:26

If God would take time to feed the sparrows or “birds of the air” then surely He must care for those who are made in His image! God cares! We are of more importance and value than we thought!


What is the role of “hair” on the head. Hair on the had is essentially of “cosmetic value”. The loss of hair does not impede the effective functioning of the human body. In the days of Jesus, there were no “hair clinics”. People were not obsessed with cosmetic issues, when fundamental issues of making a living were at stake.

Nevertheless, Jesus commented that God’s care for His people was such that “the very hairs on the head were numbered”. It is estimated that a person who has a full head of hair would have in excess of over 200,000 strands of hair! God numbered “the very hairs of the head”. That was an amazing statement to make.

The point that Jesus sought to bring across was obvious! If God took the trouble to count how many strands of hair we have on our heads, we must be of some significance and value to God.


God considers all valuable, even if the Pharisees and the Scribes did not. These religious leaders did not have a high regard for a long list of people.

1. They had no regard for Gentiles.

2. They had scant regard for Samaritans (half-Jews).

3. They had no time for the “publicans /tax-collectors”.

4. They disregarded those they labeled as “sinners”.

5. They also had little or no regard for Jesus. They were deadly opposed to Him.

Jesus went on to teach His hearers, that He considered them “friends” and the word in itself conveys the idea of “value”. The word “friend” in the Greek text is formed from the word “love”. A “friend” is thus a person who is loved. A person who is loved is obviously a person of value.

One of the best safeguards against “fear” is knowledge- especially the knowledge that God cares for us, and we are of value to Him. If God does indeed care for us, then He will provide for us, and protect us.

The practical application is both obvious and healthy. Knowledge of God’s care and concern for us must cause fear to be dispelled! Fear has no place in the heart of the believer! We are of more value than sparrows! The hairs on our head are all numbered!


The battle with fear unfortunately is not a simple and straightforward one. Fear has many forms and many disguises. Fear can arise from almost anywhere. It can be an external threat. It can also come from within the heart.
Whatever the form fear takes, it must be fought. The battle against fear can be won. Knowledge of God, an appropriate fear of the Lord – these can defeat the fears that threaten to overwhelm us.

There is no need to live a life ruled by fear. Let us apply the words of the Lord Jesus into our hearts carefully. Each time fear threatens, let us remember what Jesus said, “Do not fear therefore…”

What a challenge to live a life that is free from fear. Let us ask the Lord to help us live out our faith in Jesus with the greatest sense of joy and courage!