Daily Devotions


Day 202

Luke 16 : 14-18 (Cf. Matthew 5: 31-32; 19:1-12) "STUDYING OTHER RELATED STATEMENTS"

Day 202 – Luke 16

Text: Luke 16 : 14-18 (Cf. Matthew 5: 31-32; 19:1-12)


Whenever we come across “isolated passages” in one Gospel, it would be worthwhile to look at other relevant and related passages found in other Gospels. In Matthew’s Gospel we have a statement that is very similar to that found in Luke 16:18. Let’s study this text carefully,

“Furthermore it has been said,
whoever divorces his wife,
let him give her a certificate of divorce.

But I say to you that whoever divorces
His wife for any reason except sexual immorality
Causes her to commit adultery;
And whoever marries a woman who is divorced
Commits adultery.”
Matthew 5:31-32


As we study the context of Matthew 5, we realize that Jesus was combating many false teachings and practices. He dealt with an array of false teachings that were widely held by the Jews. Among them were the Pharisees.

The focus of the Lord Jesus was to correct the wrong views of the people. Nothing could be more important than knowing the truth and practising it. The views of the Pharisees had thus far gone unchallenged until Jesus came and taught most decisively from the Word of God.

With reference to the subject of divorce, the popular view of the day was on the “certificate of divorce”. That pointed to a very legalistic approach to the subject of divorce.

Was the question only one of applying the legal aspects of the Mosaic Law? Jesus attacked the wooden legalistic approach. He urged them to consider the fact that an act of divorce can be a very cruel thing to do against a woman.

In the days of Jesus, the lot of women was far less promising when a divorce took place. There were few jobs available to women at any time. To be able to make ends meet would be very difficult indeed.

A woman who was divorced would be marked by society. She would not only have to cope with the difficulty of making a living, she would also have to cope with a great sense of shame. The divorced woman may have to resort to all sorts of means to stay alive, including living a life of sin!

The person who has divorced her may feel that he is free legally, but he was guilty morally in the sight of the true understanding and application of the Law. This was something that the Pharisees conveniently ignored in their interpretation of the Mosaic Law.


Matthew recorded another instance when Jesus spoke on the subject of divorce. This was recorded in Matthew 19:1-12. Let us study the relevant verses carefully.

The context was well described by Matthew. The Pharisees brought up the subject of divorce. They raised two questions.

“Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife
for just any reason?”
Matthew 19:3

The thought of divorce – its expediency, its validity, its popularity even – was foremost in the minds of the Pharisees. They were totally unprepared for the answer that Jesus gave.

Jesus went back all the way to the creation of Adam and Eve, and how God made them. God’s original plan did not include divorce (Matthew 19:4-6)!

The second question was expected. The Pharisees sought to trip Jesus up by referring to another passage of Scriptures which would appear to be contradictory.

“Why then did Moses command to give
a certificate of divorce,
and to put her away?”
Matthew 19:7

Once again, Jesus displayed his understanding and mastery of the Scriptures. He explained why Moses gave the law allowing for divorce.

“Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts,
permitted you to divorce your wives,
but from the beginning it was not so.”
Matthew 19:8

Jesus maintained that He was right. The reason why the divorce law was allowed at all was because of the hardness of the human heart. If divorce were not allowed, the fate of the spouse could well be lots worse!

The emphasis of Jesus was on the word “permitted” . The Pharisees had taken liberties with this word. From “permission” they went on to take advantage of the Mosaic Law and through the application of the letter of the law brought about many divorces. If they were wealthy enough, they could effect divorces numerous times with impunity!

There was no mistaking the warning that Jesus gave though. Those who did that were causing others to sin, and thus they too are not guiltless.

“And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife,
except for sexual immorality, and marries another,
commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced
commits adultery.”
Matthew 19:9