Daily Devotions
Day 229 – Luke 18
Text: Luke 18:31-34
Tears filled my eyes as I read the Lord’s Word, and worked at writing these articles to share with you. Each word that Jesus used I pictured in my mind. They were not just words. They were more than just concepts. They were read as if I could actually see Jesus being hurt by the Roman soldiers.
No, it is not easy to understand and accept suffering. It would be easier to accept personal suffering, than to read about the suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ. There was “a mental block” in the minds of the Disciples. They could not fully comprehend what they had just been taught. Perhaps, it was just as well… for the time being.
Jesus did not conclude His teaching on suffering on a dismal note. He spoke with great faith and assurance that He would rise again!
Suffering may lead to death. But death is not the final word. God’s power would triumph over death. Just as He raised some from the dead, so He Himself would be resurrected from the dead!
The teaching on the subject of suffering would not be complete till it reaches its climax on a triumphal note! The Resurrection of Jesus would make all suffering pale in comparison!
What a glorious teaching Jesus gave to His Disciples. Yes, there will be pain and suffering, but if by faith they could look beyond, they would see light at the end of the tunnel! Yet, we read these sad words concerning the response of the Disciples to what Jesus said,
“But they understood none of these things;
this saying was hidden from them,
and they did not know the things which were spoken.”
Luke 18:34
Jesus one day told His Disciples that they were truly specially blessed. Whereas the multitudes would be given only parables, they would be given the privilege of being able to understand the Word of God in depth.
‘To you it has been given to know
the mysteries of the Kingdom of God,
but to the rest, it is given in parables…”
Luke 8:10
On another occasion, Jesus said to His Disciples,
“Blessed are the eyes which see
the things you see;
For I tell you that many prophets and kings
Have desired to see what you see,
And have not seen it;
And to hear what you hear,
And have not heard it.”
Luke 10:23-24
The Disciples were given the keys to understand the teachings of Jesus, but where it came to the suffering and death of Jesus, they just could not understand this particular doctrine or truth!
What are some of the reasons why we cannot comprehend certain truths?
1. The sheer difficulty of the subject matter.
We must be fair and kind to the Disciples of the Lord Jesus. It is easier for us to understand why Jesus had to suffer… after the event has occurred! It is easier for us to understand the doctrine of suffering because we have so much more Biblical literature to study.
The subject matter of the suffering of the Messiah was very difficult to comprehend, given the time and the circumstances of the Disciples! They had lots of work to do each day. They had lessons to study as well. Surely we understand why the Disciples had difficulty in understanding some of the lessons Jesus taught – and in particular this one on suffering. The sheer depth and difficulty of the subject matter would defy easy comprehension!
2. We comprehend through an emotional screen
We need to take time to understand ourselves when it comes to the matter of comprehension and acceptance of things. Sometimes, we comprehend things through the intellect and the emotions are not involved. At other times, the emotions are involved, and it is then quite hard to accept certain truths.
There is no question about the fact that the Disciples loved the Lord Jesus. Who would not love this gracious Teacher of God’s Word? Each person healed, each person forgiven, each person touched by the teachings of Jesus would love Him for who He was!
The Gospel of John described a scene where the Disciple Peter was asked whether he truly loved Jesus. Three times he was asked the same question. Three times he answered in the affirmative (Cf. John 21). The other Disciples must have loved Jesus in similar fashion. The love that the Disciples bore for Jesus could well have prevented them from accepting that their Teacher had to undergo any suffering, let alone the kind He graphically described!
3. A Divine Plan
Another mystery was at work. Sometimes, unknown to us, God hides His truth till we are ready for the revelation of that word of knowledge. The Disciples were just not quite ready and so though the truth of suffering was taught, there was little or no comprehension of this truth at that point of time.
As we read the Lord’s Word, let us be deeply humbled by how little we truly comprehend deep truths contained in the Scriptures!