Daily Devotions
Luke 20:1-18 "BY WHAT AUTHORITY..." Luke 20:2"
Day 246 – Luke 20
Text: Luke 20:1-18
The “chief priests, the scribes and the elders” (Luke 20:2) were the recognized religious leaders of Israel. They were the ones who exercised authority over all religious matters in the land. They were sure that they did not authorize Jesus as a teacher of the Scriptures! He was not one of the Rabbis they appointed or approved of! Yet the fact was that He demonstrated that He could wield tremendous authority in His life and ministry.
They recognized that He had “authority” over the crowds. The word “authority” would be used in close relationship with the word “influence”. He wielded an influence over the masses in a way that the religious leaders never enjoyed singly or collectively.
They recognized that Jesus wielded “authority” when He cleansed the Temple. Nobody would dare to attempt what He did without tremendous authority! The merchants fled from Him. As Jesus ordered them out of the Temple, they ran for cover. In ordinary circumstances, these hard-nosed merchants would never have yielded an inch to anyone who tried to keep them in line.
They recognized that Jesus taught the Scriptures as One having authority! The Pharisees and the Scribes had tried their hand against Jesus. They had opposed Him with reference to His teaching on the Sabbath. They had failed miserably! They had been publicly embarrassed by Him. He showed them up. They appeared ignorant when placed next to Him!
The religious leaders led the first wave of attack by questioning His authority! Jesus knew where they were coming from. These religious leaders could tie it up with lengthy discussions, and endless debate on the subject of “authority”.
In order to discuss this subject the following would have to be raised:-
1. There would have to be an acceptable definition of the word “authority”.
2. There would have to be discussion on different types of authority present in the land.
a) Civil Authority
b) Religious authority
c) Moral Authority
d) Biblical authority
e) Divine authority
3. Another possible area of discussion would be the question of empowering someone with authority
Jesus knew that the question that the religious leaders raised was one fraught with all kinds of problems. No matter how Jesus could have answered, there would be objections and counter proposals.
Jesus still had unfinished work to do. He was still bent on preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. He still wanted and needed to teach His Disciples. He needed time to prepare Himself for the ordeal of His trials and crucifixion.
How would Jesus answer this question. He couldn’t just walk away. The crowds were watching how He would handle Himself. Lots of things were at stake!
How wise Jesus was when He turned and faced His enemies. We are reminded of how the Spirit of the Lord was truly upon Him. Let us recall what Isaiah said about how the Messiah would be filled with the Spirit of God.
“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge
And of the fear of the Lord.”
Isaiah 11:2
Jesus raised a valid question to His opponents. He wanted them to declare their understanding of the authority of John the Baptiser. Let us consider the question Jesus raised,
“I also will ask you one thing,
and answer Me:
The baptism of John –
Was it from heaven or from men?”
Luke 20:3
Jesus had every right to raise this question. In any debate, there must be interaction. Jesus chose the form of interactive discussion rather than a lengthy lecture as His preferred choice of answering His critics’ question.
The religious leaders gathered together and wondered how they would answer this question that Jesus raised. Luke carefully noted their reasoning.
And they reasoned among themselves, saying,
“If we say, ‘From heaven,’
He will say, ‘Why then did you not believe him?’
But if we say, ‘From men,’
All the people will stone us,
For they are persuaded that
John was a prophet.”
So they answered that they did not know
Where it (the authority) was from.
Luke 20:5-7
The critics of Jesus had used a question to try and trap Jesus. To their horror, they found that Jesus was even more skilled in raising questions that they knew they could not answer. They were caught in their own trap. If they could not answer the question of Jesus, then they showed that they were incompetent. Jesus then had no need to answer their question! They were also afraid that Jesus might asked other embarrassing questions for which they had no answer. Their first assault had failed! Jesus bested them again!