Daily Devotions
Day 264 – Luke 21
Text: Luke 21 : 8-19
Jesus had spoken of very weighty things. On the first topic, He had spoken of the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem. On the second topic, He had spoken of “The Day of the Lord”.
There was much to digest. Jesus being the Wise Master-Teacher that He was, shifted His attention to a third topic. What about those who were believers? What would be their lot?
The words of the Lord Jesus must be carefully studied.
“But before all these things,
they will lay their hands on you
and persecute you,
delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons.
You will be brought before kings and rulers
For My Name’s sake.”
Luke 21:12
Some words bring terror to the soul. “War, famine, pestilences…” Do these words terrify the heart?
What about the warning about persecution? There was no mistaking the meaning behind these words! Are we ready to suffer?
The teaching of suffering was not new! The context may be new, but the fact is that Jesus had been teaching His Disciples that they must expect possible suffering! Let us take time to review what Jesus had taught concerning suffering!
Jesus had taught His Disciples much about suffering from His own life’s example. He was hated by the Pharisees, the scribes, the lawyers, the chief priests etc. He showed His Disciples that it was possible to maintain a dignified profile no matter the odds!
He spoke of His own personal suffering.
“The Son of Man must suffer many things,
and be rejected by the elders and chief priests
and scribes, and be killed,
and be raised the third day.”
Luke 9:22
Jesus sought to teach His Disciples that they must expect suffering.
“Blessed are you when men hate you,
and when they exclude you,
and revile you, and cast out your name as evil,
for the Son of Man’s sake.”
Luke 6:22
“And I say to you,
My friends, do not be afraid
Of those who kill the body…”
Luke 12:4
“Also I say to you,
Whoever confesses Me before men,
Him the Son of Man also will confess
Before the angels of God.”
Luke 12:8
Now when they bring you to the synagogues
And magistrates and authorities,
Do not worry about how or what you should answer,
Or what you should say…”
Luke 12:11
What perfect consistency! Jesus did not flinch from personal suffering! Neither did He promise that His Disciples would have an easy time if they believed in Him.
The end times would be very troubled times indeed. If anything at all, there would be even more occasions when there would come persecution!
Let us not be afraid of suffering. Let us instead seek to build a powerful enough faith that would help us endure great suffering for the sake of the Lord.
Let us draw special encouragement from what Jesus taught His Disciples, in the event that we are called upon to suffer for His Name’s sake.
“But it will turn out for you
as an occasion for testimony”
Luke 21:13
“An occasion for testimony…!” What an approach Jesus taught His Disciples! What should be the main concern of the disciple when his very life is in danger? Jesus spoke of being a testimony as being one of the chief concerns! This is a very dynamic approach indeed.
Let us settle in our hearts the inevitability of suffering! Jesus Himself had to endure much. If we are truly His Disciples, then we must be prepared to walk in His footsteps.
Let us train our hearts and mind to think in terms of how we can bear testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, instead of fearing pain and suffering!
The example of the Apostles in the Book of Acts must forever be proof that it is possible to suffer for the sake of Lord Jesus. Believers were jailed, beaten, and even killed. However, because they held fast to their faith , they bore good testimony for their Saviour. Let us courageously prepare ourselves for suffering.