Daily Devotions
Day 269 – Luke 21
Text: Luke 21 : 20-28
Whenever we read difficult passages, we would be well-advised to take time to go over the Word of God again and again. One of the helpful practical things we can do is to note the different topics being dealt with. Let’s review what we have read thus far:-
1. The Destruction of the Temple. Luke 21:5-6
2. The General State of the Earth in the Last Days. Luke 21:8-11
3. Persecution of Believers. Luke 21:12-19
4. The Destruction of Jerusalem. Luke 21:20-24
5. The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 21:25-28
Eschatology is simply the doctrine of the last days. In Jesus’ teaching of the last things, He predicted fearful events! Once again, Jesus warned His hearers that troubled times would come.
The destruction of the Temple and of Jerusalem would be terrible events. Many people would suffer and die when the Romans attacked the capital city! The people must be prepared for the worst of circumstances. As Jesus sought to teach His hearers, He pictured for them the kind of terror that would befall the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
The ones worst hit would be those who were pregnant and nursing mothers! Wisdom would teach the people to flee Jerusalem. Any attempts at heroism would result in total disaster. This was one war that the Jews would not win! God Himself had determined destruction of the city and the temple!
Jesus’ words of warning may be seen as a double reference.
1. The conditions He described would apply to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.
2. A similar set of conditions would also apply to the days just prior to His Return.
It is because of this “double reference” that sometimes the text seems confusing. If we read this text bearing in mind this concept of double reference, then the text becomes a little easier to comprehend.
Jesus taught His Disciples that one day, He would return to the earth. His second coming would be different from His advent. Let us consider what Jesus said about His second coming.
“And there will be signs in the sun,
in the moon, and in the stars,
and on the earth distress of nations,
with perplexity,
the sea and the waves roaring…”
Luke 21:25
Once again, Jesus spoke of cosmic signs (Cf. Luke 21:11). Signs involving the sun, the moon and the stars always suggest that a major event is about to take place. The greatest event ever would be the return of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Luke notes in his Gospel Jesus’ favourite term for Himself. He called Himself “The Son of Man”. We note that this phrase was Daniel’s title for the eschatological Son of Man.
“I was watching in the night visions,
and behold, One like the Son of Man,
Coming with the clouds of heaven…”
Daniel 7:13
Compare this text with Jesus’ description of His Return.
“Then they will see the Son of Man
coming in a cloud with power
and great glory.”
Luke 21:27
There is no mistaking the fact that Jesus had in mind this prophetic text from the Book of Daniel. Those who doubted Jesus would also have to deal with the text from the Book of Daniel. The opponents of Jesus would have to deal with both the words of Jesus and the prophetic words of Daniel!
Jesus had already spoken on this subject. He knew that the world would not be ready for His return. Let us recall an earlier lesson He taught.
“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also
in the days of the Son of Man:
They ate, they drank, they married wives,
They were given in marriage,
Until …the flood came and destroyed them all…
Even so will it be in the day when
The Son of Man is revealed.”
Luke 17:26, 30
When people are not looking forward to the Return of Jesus they would be caught totally unprepared. Thus this description would be true of those who do not love the return of the Son of Man.
“Men’s hearts failing them from fear
and the expectation of those things
which are coming on the earth,
for the powers of the heaven will be shaken.”
Luke 21:26
Are you ready for the Return of the Son of Man? Make preparations NOW!