Daily Devotions
Luke 4:31-37 "SPECIAL NEEDS"
Day 54 – Luke 4
Text: Luke 4:31-37
What did the congregation at Capernaum see in Jesus? They were suitably impressed with His teaching skills! They admired the way Jesus handled the Scriptures! He proved Himself to be a great and authoritative Teacher of the Word of God! However, was He only a Teacher sent from God?
There was a man in the synagogue who had special needs. On the one hand, he wanted to hear Jesus preach and teach God’s Word. However, there was another powerful force in him, that tried very hard to prevent him from coming to the Lord Jesus Christ.
This man had special needs! He was controlled or possessed by an unclean spirit! It is one thing to be able to teach the Word of God mightily. It is quite another thing to be confronted by a demon! Would this great Teacher of the Word of God be able to help this poor man?
It is vital that we see beyond the problems that Jesus faced when He served His Father on earth. We must see beyond the demonic powers that ranged themselves to challenge the ministry of our Saviour. As we commence our study of the public ministry of our Saviour, we must bear in mind this theme… “But We See Jesus!” Let us indeed see our Saviour, and discover lots more about His life and ministry!
In the synagogue at Nazareth, a strange thing happened! The congregation at the synagogue became so upset with Jesus, He was nearly killed (Luke 4:16-30)!
In the synagogue at Capernaum another strange thing happened! There was a man in the synagogue who “had a spirit of an unclean demon” (Luke 4:33). When the Lord Jesus taught at the synagogue, the man cried out, protesting loudly. Let us note two things, he shouted out loud:-
1. That he knew exactly who Jesus was – “The Holy One of God!” (Luke 4:34).
2. Fear was expressed- “Did you come to destroy us?” (Luke 4:34)
Let us note how Jesus handled this awkward situation!
1. Let us take note that He refused to engage the demons in a dialogue.
2. Let us also further note that He did not use the exclamation of the demons to support His credentials as the Messiah!
3. There was only one way to deal with demons! The Lord Jesus rebuked the demon who possessed the man in the synagogue!
The power of the Lord Jesus was further displayed! The demon, when commanded by Jesus had to obey! Vindictively, he cast away the man he possessed. He had been forcibly ejected by the Lord Jesus!
With just one word, Jesus dismissed and banished the unclean demon from the life of the demonized man! The Gospels recorded incidents like that, only to help us see the majesty and power of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us indeed rejoice that we have such a Saviour!
Let us bear in mind two important portions of the Scriptures:-
1. Hebrews 2:14 “Through (His) death, He might destroy… the devil.”
2. 1 John 3:8 “For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
In the study of the Gospels, some focus on how Jesus dealt with demons. They then make up a list of suggestions as to how we can deal with demons. These even suggest that some have a ministry of exorcism! This is an unfortunate approach to the study of the Gospel.
From time to time, we need to review why Luke wrote his Gospel narrative! His authorial intent was very precise and clear. He wrote to present the Lord Jesus Christ! He thus sought to reveal the TRUE IDENTITY of Jesus.
Some prejudiced and shallow-minded people may have rejected Jesus. Others may have accepted Him as a Great Teacher; however Luke’s purpose was to point out exactly who Jesus was! He wielded power and authority even over demons! Was He just a mere mortal? Was He just a very highly skilled Teacher of righteousness?
The congregation at the synagogue of Capernaum was amazed. Luke recorded their reactions superbly.
Then they were all amazed and spoke among themselves, saying,
“What a word this is! For with authority and power
He commands the unclean spirits,
and they come out.” Luke 4:36
Their reaction however did not go far enough! They could not identify Jesus as the Anointed One of God (“The Messiah”). They only marveled at the teaching skill of Jesus and His power over demons.
These people who lived in Galilee indeed “walked in darkness…” (Isaiah 9:2). The Lord Jesus would need to reveal more and more of Himself as time wore on! This is how we should read the Gospels! They reveal to us the True Identity of the Lord Jesus Christ! Let us rejoice that we know who Jesus really is – that He is none other than The Son of God, the Messiah!