Daily Devotions
Day 57 – Luke 5
Text: Luke 5:1-11
The Lord Jesus began His teaching ministry in local synagogues. Before too long, however, no synagogue could accommodate “the multitudes that pressed about Him to hear the Word of God” (Luke 5:1).
Thus the Lord Jesus began a special ministry of teaching the multitudes out in the open! These were growing challenges. There was nothing wrong with speaking to the multitudes, but if they were to be reached in depth, then He would have to consider another approach. The growing challenges of reaching the multitudes, who may have numbered into the thousands, must be seriously and prayerfully considered. What answer would the Lord Jesus come up with?
One of the major themes in the Gospels is surely, “Discipleship”! Luke introduced us to two ministries of the Lord Jesus early in His Gospel narrative:-
1. His primary ministry was one of teaching the Word of God
2. He also had a secondary ministry, of bringing healing to those who were severely afflicted in life, either by disease or because of demonic attacks. This ministry must be studied carefully. The sign-miracles of the Lord Jesus were used to authenticate His identity as the Son of God. The sign-miracles ministry was not meant as a continuing ministry for the Church today!
3. Luke introduced us to a third aspect of the Lord Jesus’ ministry. He called and trained followers. These were called “Disciples”.
Right from the very start, the Lord Jesus had Disciples. In John 1, we read of how Andrew who was originally a disciple of John the Baptizer, sought out Jesus and spoke with Him in length (John 1:35-42).
John the Baptizer pointed out the Lord Jesus and called Him, “The Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36). Intrigued, Andrew approached the Lord Jesus and conversed with Him in some length. This is the idea behind what Andrew meant when he said, “Rabbi, where are You staying” (John 1:38). He was not asking for the address of Jesus as if he was going to write Him a letter sometime in the future. Andrew was asking politely if he could have a lengthy chat with the Lord Jesus.
Andrew and an unnamed disciple (possibly John, the writer of the Gospel, in his discreet way of noting that he was there with Andrew, right from the beginning) went to the place where Jesus stayed, and “remained with Him that day”. It was about the “tenth hour”. Calculating the Jewish way of looking at time, from sunrise to sunset, and commencing the day at 6.00am, the “tenth hour” would be 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
When Andrew left Jesus, he sought out his brother Simon. He brought him to see Jesus. Andrew was insistent that Jesus was none other than the Messiah prophesied and promised by the prophets! Peter was then introduced to Jesus (John 1:41-42).
Jesus was already inviting people to be His Disciples, according to John’s account of the Life of the Lord Jesus (John 1:43). He called one Philip, and also Nathanael (John 1:45-50).
(Mark 1:16-18; Luke 5:1-11)
In Mark’s shorter account, we have the final decision made by Peter to become a disciple of the Lord Jesus. In Luke’s account, however we have a full account how how Peter finally made up his mind to follow Jesus as His disciple.
Luke’s long account of how Peter finally made up his mind to forsake all, in order to follow Jesus tells us that there must have been some struggles in the heart, before a final decision is made. Today, the subject of Discipleship is all but avoided. Many are moved to become believers, however, few want to even consider the idea of being a Disciple of the Lord Jesus.
If Discipleship was a major concern of the Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry, then we must take time to study this topic carefully! We cannot dismiss “Discipleship” just because we fear that we may not live up to the high standards the Lord Jesus expected from those who would respond to His invitation.
Let us take time to study the doctrine and the concept of Discipleship, as the Lord Jesus taught it. Let us take time to ponder and pray about the Lord’s personal challenge to us today – Modern day Discipleship!
Let us appreciate that the Call to Discipleship was not extended to all. The multitudes were taught the Word of God, but only a few were invited to become the Disciples of the Lord Jesus. Out of the many people who responded, a small group of people became what we know as His Twelve Apostles. However, before they could be appointed as Apostles, they had to “learn the ropes”. They had to be rigorously instructed as Disciples.
Are you afraid that the Lord would call you to be a special Disciple? Don’t let fear rob you of the great privilege of being a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Let courage, let love challenge you to discover the many joys that will be yours as you learn how to walk as a good disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.